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他过着安逸的生活。He is rolling in ease.

她过着奢华的生活。She is rolling in luxury.

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因为我们原以为它是一只雄猫呢。That cat is rolling a boll.

云层正在翻卷而去。The clouds are rolling away.

他们是滚动的债务。They are rolling liabilities.

她走路一扭一扭的。She walks with a rolling gait.

云层和铺卷而来的黑暗。By clouds and rolling darkness.

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他看着云儿飘散。He saw the clouds rolling away.

好吧,让我们滚球吧。Ok, let's get the ball rolling.

它们应用在滚轧机中。They are used in rolling mills.

阿谁孩子在滚铁环。The chellold was rolling a hoop.

那远处如雷般的掌声?The sound of thunder rolling in?

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他们笑得前仰后合。They were rolling with laughter.

听到这你就翻白眼了,对吗?You're rolling your eyes, right?

云开始滚滚而来。Clouds are definitely rolling in.

我看见眼泪从她脸上流了下来。I saw tears rolling down her face.

眼泪落下,从我的脸上滑落。Teardrops, rolling down on my face.

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木筏沿河顺流而下。The raft is rolling down the river.

船只循著北斗星探索起伏的海洋。Through courses of the sea rolling.

下一步,卷和切寿司。Next, Rolling and Cutting the Sushi.