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早晨一个巨浪哗啦一声把厨房的一扇门冲坏了。In the morning a sea smashed one of the galley doors.

居住舱的厨房要提供14天的食物给养。The HAB galley will accommodate a 14 day food supply.

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他听见厨房门被摔上的声音但是没有看见她的离去。He heard the galley door slam but never saw her leave.

小样儿的居然敢徒手来拨我的枪?The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly?

与厨房喜欢这个,你可能会想聘请一索席尔!With a galley like this, you might want to hire a saucier !

服务车要慢点,注意小心碰坏飞机。Drive the galley service truck slowly and mind the aircraft.

真对不起,让您久等了。我们在厨房遇上了点麻烦。I'm sorry for the delay. We have some trouble in the galley.

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厨房里的手提式灭火器的试验证书过期。Test certificates of portable extinguishers in galley expired.

有时,他还用那种方法直上监狱的房顶。He sometimes mounted thus even to the roof of the galley prison.

汤玛斯?茂格立治从厨房里一跃而出,象是装在盒子里的。Thomas Mugridge popped out of his galley like a jack-in-the-box.

对面的厨房是没有餐桌椅,但头部和茶水。Opposite the galley there is no dinette, but a head and a pantry.

其中必没有汤桨摇橹的船来往,也没有威武的船经过。No galley with oars will ride them, no mighty ship will sail them.

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再过两个码头,有艘瓦兰提斯河舰正在卸下士兵们。Two piers down, a Volantene river galley was discharging soldiers.

喀什河谷被誉为百里画廊,绿色长卷。The Kashi Valley is dubbed as the long art galley or a green scroll.

新厨房从再水化站输送冷热水。The new galley delivers hot or cold water from the rehydration station.

厨房是一个标准组件的单元,包括一个水分配器和一个烤箱。The galley is a modular unit that contains a water dispenser and an oven.

当人员被锁在冷库时,用于向厨房人员和驾控室人员呼叫。Apply to man call for man in galley on WH, if be locked in freezing store.

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艺术品摆设区巨大的舷窗设置可让游客观看机房的操作实景。The large galley has portholes giving a view of the impeccable engine room.

这艘船是克里奥帕特拉的舰队的!它可能在战斗中损坏了!This galley is part of Cleopatra's fleet! It was probably damaged in battle!

一艘布拉佛斯商船在从翡翠海的归途中在潘托斯休整。A Braavosi trading galley called at Pentos on her way back from the Jade Sea.