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翡翠赢得了“玉石之王”的美称!Jadeite has won the laudatory title of " jade king "!

因此,土豆拥有“地下苹果”的美称。Therefore, potatoes have "underground apple" laudatory name.

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音乐盒又有心灵疗养师的美称!The musical box also has the mind convalesces the laudatory name!

报纸上刊登了一篇捧我的文章,甚至还加了一段赞扬性的社论。There was a nice write-up in the paper, even a laudatory editorial.

因此,华丽环岛有都市中心的世外桃源这一美称。Thus, while the urban centres have Xanadu's Huandao the laudatory name.

神灵赞美特征是赫梯赞美诗研究的一个重要方面,也是赫梯人颂神诗研究的核心内容。Laudatory feature is an important content in the study of Hittite religion and Hittite hymns.

教育,正常地说,至少是一个褒义词,它的褒义似乎是被构建的。Education is, normally at least, a laudatory term and its laudatoriness seems to be built into it.

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新加坡在城市保洁方面效果显著,故亦有“花园城市”之美称。Singapore in urban cleaning effect is remarkable, therefore also have "garden city" laudatory name.

锦屏县素有“杉木之乡”的美称,林业面积相当广阔。Jinping County is known as "township of the pine" the laudatory name, the forestry area is quite broad.

虽然一些评论家把它看作是一部有瑕疵的作品,但大多数有关于它的评论还是充满赞赏的。Although some critics see it to be a deeply 'flawed book', most reviews of it are overwhelmingly laudatory.

怡人的暖风熏得游人醉,于是便有了“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的美称。The visitors pleasant warm wind, and had drunk "paradise in heaven, suzhou and hangzhou below" laudatory name.

山上为半原始森林次生状态,有“京东绿色宝库”的美称。On the mountain is half virgin forest secondary condition, has "the Jingdong green treasure house" laudatory name.

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我来自河北省辛集市,那是一个美丽的城市,有教育之都的美称!I come from Xinji City, Hebei Province. That's a beautiful city, having the laudatory title of "Capital of Education" !

这次的实验简直无可比拟,报章杂志争相传诵的溢美之辞,为公司免费打了价值逾百万美元的广告。The experiment was so unique that newspapers and magazines gave it more than a million dollars worth of laudatory publicity.

全山形势巍峨雄壮,草木植被浓郁葱茏,故有“雄秀”美称。The whole situation and towering majestic mountains, rich vegetation, verdant vegetation, and therefore, "Hung Show" laudatory.

浦江县皖聚水晶工艺品厂成立于2006年坐落在“水晶之都”美称的中国浦江。Pujiang county anhui gather crystal handicraft factory was foundedin2006, is located in the"crystalline" laudatory name of Chinese pujiang.

上海未来的天空轮廓线第一座摩天大厦是1998年竣工的420米高的金茂大厦,这座88层高的大楼因不锈钢宝塔形设计获得了一致赞赏。The first of the three, the 88-floor, 420-meter Jin Mao Tower opened in 1998 to laudatory reviews for its stainless steel pagoda-like design.

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因墨境内多为高原地形,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季万木常青,故享有“高原明珠”的美称。In Mexico, mostly due to altitude terrain, no cold winter and summer without heat, the four seasons evergreen trees, so enjoy "Plateau Pearl" laudatory.

龙泉市天丰空调配件有限公司,位于享有中国汽车空调零部件生产基地之称的浙江龙泉。Longquan Tianfeng Air Conditioner Parts Co. Ltdlocated in enjoyed its laudatory title China's auto air-conditioner parts production based Zhejiang Longquan.

国际市场上龙口粉丝亦被誉为“中国玻璃丝”、“中国龙须”、“中国春雨”等美称。International market Longkou bean vermicelli praised as also " Chinese glass fiber" of, "Chinese dragon must ", " Chinese spring rain ", etc. laudatory title.