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同步还是异步?Synchronous or asynchronous?

减数分裂同步率较高。The meiosis is highly synchronous.

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它们是同步还是异步的?Are they synchronous or asynchronous?

即成孔、成桩一机一次同步完成。Insert Namely hole, a synchronous machine.

研制了一种微型橡胶同步带。A mini synchronous belt has been developed.

数据流与页面重新加载同步。Data flow was synchronous with page reload.

同步和异步交付支持。Synchronous and asynchronous delivery support.

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生殖细胞的发育是非同步的。Development of germinal cells is not synchronous.

它本身不含有位同步时钟分量。NRZ code doesn't contain synchronous clock frequency.

轴承、电器元件、同步带用进口名牌。Bearing, electric components and synchronous belt are.

这种调用基本上是无人值守和同步的。The invocation is basically unattended and synchronous.

并行性的同步和异步支持。A synchronous and asynchronous approach for parallelism.

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足球博彩和足球几乎是同步成长的。Football betting and football almost synchronous growth.

各部件采用同步带及齿轮传动。The components are driven by synchronous belt abd gears.

各部件采用同步带及齿轮传动。The components are driven by synchronous belt and gears.

单缸加绳排,同步伸缩方式。Single cylinder plus wire ropes, synchronous telescoping.

对称排列式同步齿轮,高精度,高韧性。Symmetric, synchronous gear is high precision and tenacity.

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这种同步行为被证明有巨大的优势。This synchronous behavior proved to be an immense advantage.

短期运行流程只能调用同步服务。Short-running processes can only invoke synchronous services.

具有确认和回调的同步更新请求Synchronous update request with acknowledgement and call-back