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所有权的改变及合同的重新谈判。A change in ownership and a renegotiation of contracts.

查普曼说,在重新谈判薪酬时心里要事先想好一个数额。Go into a renegotiation with a number in mind, says Mr. Chapman.

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在降入乙级之后,赞助商们也要求重新谈判,削减原有合同的赞助费用。Sponsorship contracts are also under a process of renegotiation following the drop down into Serie B.

天蝎座掌管债务,税收和共同财产,这些可以重新谈判或解决。Scorpio also rules debt, taxes, and shared finances, and these could be up for renegotiation or resolution.

球员的父母、兄弟姐妹和配偶可在谈判或重新谈判雇佣合同时代表该球员。The parents, siblings or spouse of theplayer may represent him in the negotiation or renegotiation of an employment contract.

近期将举行的对该条约的重新谈判,将对国际电联的职能定义,这将是一个推动。The upcoming renegotiation of the treaty that defines the ITU's competences is regarded as an opportunity to push this agenda.

另一方面,它会使信贷机构重新谈判的成本降低,它将使得金融系统内的问题降到最低。Second, it reduces the cost of renegotiation for the lending institutions, which minimizes the problems in the financial system.

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如果其他团队拒绝接受新测试和模拟,则重新同步的工作就变成了团队之间的重新协商点。If the other teams resist accepting the new tests and mocks, then resynchronizing becomes a point of renegotiation between the teams.

已更改的模拟和测试成为协调程序团队、提供程序团队以及其他协调程序提供团队之间的重新协商点。The changed mocks and tests become a point of renegotiation between the coordinator team, the provider teams, and other coordinator teams.

Samaras周日在一场记者会上表示,"重新与金主协商以重振经济,是走出危机的一个要件.""A renegotiation with our lenders to restart the economy is a condition to get out of this crisis," Samaras told a news conference on Sunday.

重新谈判合同是他的雅马哈迫在眉睫,他对意大利全体育,他看到他的后四个摩托车未来车轮。The renegotiation of his Yamaha contract is looming, and he told Italy's Tuttosport that he sees his post- motorcycling future on four wheels.

在一个单一的谈判中您可能没有实现所有的目标,但随着时间的推移,调整和重新谈判是可能出现的。You might not achieve all of your objectives in a single negotiation, but over time opportunities for adjustment and renegotiation might arise.

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这种情况下,企业家可能通过激进的创新活动来获取连续创新能力,从而维持其在再谈利中的地位。In this case, entrepreneurs would carry out radical innovation activities to gain continuous innovation capability and hold their positions in renegotiation.

这其中的一些国家发动了复兴行动以在明年重新谈判定义其职权范围的条约时获得更多参与到互联网管理论坛的机会。Some of the same countries have launched a renewed push to get the ITU more involved when the treaty that defines its remit is up for renegotiation next year.

而新任美国总统在其竞选期间要求有关北美贸易协定重新进行谈判时,也反复提及自由贸易与公平贸易的区别。And during his election campaign, the new U.S. president repeatedly made the distinction between free trade and fair trade when calling for the renegotiation of NAFTA.

墨茨,同时也是瑞士的财政部长,与美国、日本和波兰就税收协定的谈判已成为首要的事情。Merz, who is also his country's finance minister, said that renegotiation of tax accords with the United States, Japan and Poland were already earmarked as priorities.

而现在,又坚决放弃北美自由贸易协定的重新谈判,政府避免了,付出两个潜在的高昂代价的错误。In its decision last week not to name China a currency manipulator , and now to forswear renegotiation of NAFTA, the administration avoided two potentially costly mistakes.