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许多畅销纪实小说的作者是男性。Most bestselling nonfiction authors are men.

这首诗也出现在早些出版的纪实的那本书里。The poem had also appeared in the earlier nonfiction book.

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这就是伊瑟尔所说的文学与非文学之间的差别。That's the difference for Iser between nonfiction and fiction.

普利策奖也颁发了历史、传记、普通非小说等奖项。Awards were also given for history, biography and general nonfiction.

本书作者沙南。西蒙出版过几部适合儿童阅读的非小说类图书。Charnan Simon is the author of several nonfiction books for children.

他读过妻子的大多数非虚构作品,但虚构作品则读的少。He read most of his wife’s nonfiction but very little of her fiction.

除了小说,他还创作散文,短剧和随笔。In addition to his novels, creative nonfiction short stories and essays.

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在以前,如果让我在睡觉前阅读人文社科类的书完全就是扼杀我的睡意。For me, in the past, reading nonfiction before bed killed my hopes for sleep.

他还撰写了有关日记、剽窃和信札的非小说类书籍。He is also the author of nonfiction books about diaries, plagiarism and letters.

她的小说和写实文学刊登在捷克斯洛伐克的杂志上。Her fiction and nonfiction appears in magazines in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

奥巴马已经与皇冠出版集团签约,将在总统任满后再写第三本纪实作品。Obama already has a contract to write a third nonfiction book for Crown when he leaves office.

这本纪实书讲述了拉丁美洲一位年仅17岁、身患艾滋病的母亲的生活。The nonfiction book is based on the life of a 17-year-old Latin American mother infected with HIV.

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我在刚过去的这个学季在芝加哥大学给一个班的学生教非小说叙事文写作。I just taught a class at the University of Chicago in nonfiction narrative writing this past quarter.

村上春树是日本最多产和最广受好评小说及散文家之一。Haruki Murakami is among Japan's most prolific and highly acclaimed writers of fiction and nonfiction.

然而对本文来说,您想要查询所有的书籍,包括小说和非小说。For the purposes of this article, however, you want to query all the books, both fiction and nonfiction.

我不再编故事,留下为了写我的小说,致力于创作我每天生活的散文。I cordoned off fiction, saving it for my novels, and dedicated myself to nonfiction in my everyday life.

例如,今天,一些非虚构类书籍通常会有参考书目和脚注。For instance, today a serious nonfiction book will usually have a bibliography and some kind of footnotes.

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另外,她还有其他一些非小说作品,包括关于她从小就爱的猫的书。In addition, she has written several nonfiction works, including books about cats, a love since childhood.

慕容先生说他没有发布他的上一本书,因为是关于权力金字塔的非小说。Mr.Murong said he had not posted his last book, a nonfiction work about a pyramid scheme, for that reason.

这种种宣称是理论与猜测、现实与幻想、非小说与科幻小说的杂乱混合体。Such claims are an obfuscating amalgam of theory and conjecture, reality and fantasy, nonfiction and science fiction.