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朱儿,你会很喜欢她的。Jules , you're gonna to love her.

其实,凡尔纳只打过一次猎。Jules actually went hunting only once.

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儒勒*凡尔纳是一个呆在家里的人。Jules verne the man was a stay-at-home.

迈克尔回头望着璐西和裘里斯-西加尔。Michael turned to Lucy and Jules Segal.

儒勒。凡尔纳于1828年生于法国。Jules Verne was born in 1828, in France.

儒勒·凡尔纳出生在法国港口城市南特,并在那里长大。Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes.

朱勒爬出小筐,小筐便又升了上去。Jules goes out of, then the small basket goes up again.

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鼠爷爷和鼠奶奶刚到餐厅,朱勒就从洞里钻了出来。When Grandpa and Grandma rat arrived restaurants, jules drilled out.

地球中心充满了热能-朱利斯·威恩知道这一点。Jules Verne knew it — the center of the Earth is packed with heat energy.

但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.

但朱尔斯对坐在课堂里学习并不热心,他渴望冒险。But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.

奖杯是以一个帮助组织世界杯的人——儒勒斯•雷米特的名字命名的。It is named for a person who assisted in organizing the World Cup, Jules Rimet.

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它被命名为雷米特,谁建立的男子世界杯比赛。It was named for Jules Rimet, the man who established the World Cup competition.

在太空飞行还没有成为现实的很久之前,儒勒•凡尔纳就写出了这一观念。Jules Verne wrote about the concept of space flight long before it was a reality.

在这个地球上,很少有地方是作家儒勒·凡尔纳没有去过的。There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne, the writer, did not visit.

2006年6月,在柏林的奥林匹克体育场内,意大利队最终赢得了雷米特杯。In June 2006, the Italians earned the Jules Rimet Trophy at Berlin's Olympic Stadium.

1956年,国际足联在卢森堡召开的会议上,决定易名为“雷米特杯赛”。" In 1956, FIFA held a meeting in Luxembourg decided to renamed the "Jules Rimet Cup.

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哈克尼市市长朱尔斯说,“这与奥运会毫无关系”。Jules Pipe, Hackney's mayor, says this has “nothing whatsoever to do with the Olympics.

对于一个没有生命的物体,该雷米特世界杯冠军奖杯了旋风式的生活。For an inanimate object, the Jules Rimet World Cup trophy has had a whirlwind of a life.

朱尔斯是一名合格的食品专家,更是Stoneshoup虚拟烹饪学校的创造者。Jules is a qualified food scientist and the creator of the Stonesoup Virtual Cookery School.