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对于硅处理。For processing silicon.

什么是批处理?What is batch processing?

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基于属性的处理。Property-based processing.

真正的实时处理。True real-time processing.

使用面向字节的方式处理数据。Byte-oriented processing data.

林产品加工。Processing of Forest Products.

垂直数据处理?。VDP? Vertical Data Processing?

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向量处理单元?。VPE? Vector Processing Element?

控制处理管道。Control the processing pipeline.

视频处理设备?。VPE? Video Processing Equipment?

在工作负载低的时间段执行批处理Batch processing during off-hours

下一步就是数据处理了。The next step is data processing.

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欢迎来图来样加工。Welcome to map sample processing.

来料、进料加工业务。Incoming feed processing business.

保温材料的加工。Heat preservation material processing.

可以用来板材V型切割。It can be used for V-shape processing.

处理将以同样的方法继续。Processing continues in this same way.

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这就是事件处理的美妙之处。That's the beauty of event processing.

所有人都需在进行数据处理。All people seem to need data processing.

适合鲜食和加工出口市场。Export markets for fresh and processing.