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考虑任何一种活动。Think of any activity.

创建活动监视器。Create activity monitor.

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本课重点活动是1a。The main activity is 1a.

这是活动室。This is the Activity Room.

限制睡前活动量。Limit pre-bedtime activity.

降低单胺氧化酶的活性。Dropping the activity of AMO.

同时可以抑制NOS活性。L-1 and inhibit NOS activity.

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我们的活动已近尾声。Our activity is near the end.

活动的迷信化。Superstition of the activity.

创建活动事件监视器。Create activity event monitor.

我如何赚取活动点?How do I earn activity points?

酪氨酸酶活性的调节。Control of tyrosinase activity.

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完成活动用书第一页的内容。Finish the activity book page1.

珠帘活动隔断。Bead curtain activity partition.

LDH在三种酶中的活性是最弱的。Activity of LDH is the most weak.

勇敢又勤恳,定能交好运。Dare and activity accompany luck.

现代的雅典十分繁荣。Modern Athens hums with activity.

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这项活动持续了一个小时。This activity wnt on for an hour.

捕鱼是一项社交性的活动。Fishing is a very social activity.

他的活动力水平就会很低。His level of activity will be low.