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没有尸体可以装饰。There's no body to decorate.

装好盘后送到灶上。Decorate plates and send to Wok.

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彩绘,或者装饰孩子们的房间Paint or decorate the kids’ room.

是的.我正在装饰我的房子.Yeah. I am trying to decorate my house.

然后我和妈妈开始装饰。And then my mom and I would decorate it.

釉来涂层镶嵌或装表。To coat, inlay, or decorate with enamel.

我想买一条回去装饰我们的房间。I'd like to buy one to decorate our room.

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他叫我给他装饰点缀的就是这座小山。This was the hill he asked me to decorate.

那几张画挂在墙上作装饰很合适。Those pictures decorate the wall very well.

用自己做的装饰物来装饰房子Decorate the house with decorations you make.

另一项传统是用丝带装饰一根花柱。Another is to decorate a maypole with ribbons.

为迎接圣诞节商店的橱窗被装饰一新。The shop window is all decorate for christmas.

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我们装修这套房子需要买二十块木板。We need buy twenty boards to decorate our flat.

常用的有金属装饰保温板。Commonly used a metal decorate insulation board.

用一些鼓舞人心的图片装点这个地方。Decorate the place with some inspiring pictures.

然后他们在家中装饰云杉树。They will then decorate aspruce6tree in the home.

然后他们在家中装饰云杉树。They will then decorate a spruce tree in the home.

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最后用苏打水续杯并且用薄荷叶装饰。Top up with soda water. Decorate with a mint sprig.

最后,以色彩缤纷的装饰画的风筝。Finally, decorate the kites with colorful paintings.

卖冰激凌的包装箱也被用来装饰车子。The ice-cream pack was borrowed to decorate the car.