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结实,且几乎垂直的胶骨。Strong, nearly straight pastern.

足爪在骹骨之下属于严重缺陷。Feet down at the pastern are a serious fault.

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脚腕中等长度,非常轻微地倾斜。Pastern is medium length and very slightly sloped.

小而秀气的脚恐怕屈曲过大的踝部是没有用力的。A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional.

小而秀气的脚或者弯曲过大的踝部是没有功能的。A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional.

前腿-直腿,粗大而圆的骨头,脚踝短较直。Front legs- straight from legs, large or round bones, pastern are short and nearly erect.

粘土之所以重要是由于其在世界各地均被用于制作各种容器。Clay is important because it is used around the world to make containers of all kinds. Pastern ?

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当狗狗站立时,脚的球节与蹄之间以适中的长度和地面垂直。The rear pastern is of medium length and perpendicular to the ground as the dog stands naturally.

从侧面看,骨交节有一定的倾斜角度,强壮、灵活。Viewed from the side, pasterns are slightly slanted, with the pastern joint strong, but flexible.

从后面看时,臀腿部从髋关节到蹠骨后方是呈笔直平行的。The hindquarters from the hip to the rear pastern are straight and parallel, as viewed from the rear.

自动涂胶机械手是机电一体化产品,其自动操作过程是按预先编排好的逻辑程序顺序完成的。This automatic potting pastern manipulator system is in the charge of integrated application of DRC and PLC.

当他站立时,后骹骨垂直于地面。大腿骨向下悬挂着,与从飞节向上引出的虚线相互平行。When the dog is standing with the rear pastern perpendicular to the ground, the thighbone hangs downward parallel to an imaginary line drawn upward from the hock.

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“慧骃”利用前足的蹄骹和蹄子中间那一部分凹的地方拿东西,就像我们用手拿东西一样,起初我真是估计不到它们的蹄子会这样灵巧。The Houyhnhnms use the hollow part, between the pastern and the hoof of their fore-foot, as we do our hands, and this with greater dexterity than I could at first imagine.

为了解决电子喇叭控制板生产的自动涂胶问题,主要以数据记录控制计算机和可编程控制器为基础,设计了两者集成控制的自动涂胶机械手。A manipulator control system of integrated application of DRC and PLC was made, in order to solve the problem of automatic potting pastern to electronic horn's circuit panel.

通过对电动机绝缘胶架工艺的正确分析,设计了一副一模四腔的塑料模具。A set of mould with one module and four cavities has been designed through the correct analysis of the technology of insulated pastern support of motor in the graduate design.