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正在崛起的煤矿业加剧了这种担忧。The anxiety has been sharpened by the incipient mining boom.

实际上,即使在利率为零的情况下,一开始也会有一个储蓄的过剩供给。In effect, we have an incipient excess supply of savings even at a zero interest rate.

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这些新增税种的增加可能导致消费和投资开支的下滑。This incipient tax increase may lead to a slowdown of consumption and investment spending.

对均匀沙在陡坡上的起动机理作了分析。The incipient motion of uniform sediment on non-horizontal slope was theoretically studied.

为岷江都江堰河段合理选用卵石起动公式提供了依据。This result is also useful to select appropriate incipient equation in Dujiangyan, Minjiang.

为此,提出了适用于强噪声背景的小波相关滤波滚动轴承早期故障诊断方法。We present a wavelet correlation filter for diagnosing the incipient faults of a rolling bearing.

经济过热只会使初显恶化态势的通胀预期进一步恶化。An overheated economy can only exacerbate an incipient deterioration in inflationary expectations.

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象巴西一样给古巴的早期私营经济提供培训和信贷,不失为一个很好的尝试。Offering training and credit—as Brazil has done—to Cuba’s incipient private sector would be a good move.

但分析师亦警告称,即便是那些显示目前仍然一团糟的信贷市场出现改善的初期信号,仍有可能消逝于无形.Incipient glimmers of improvement in still severely dislocated credit markets may yet fade, analysts warn.

目的比较研究CSII和MDII在初发的2型糖尿病患者中强化治疗的效果。Objective To compare the efficacy of insulin pump or insulin pen in the incipient type 2 diabetes mellitus.

当水流速度小于相应的起始运动时,将无泥沙运动。When flow velocity decreases below the corresponding incipient motion condition, no sediment movement occurs.

因此,人类可能拥有最初的磁感应,或者把它们进化成了其他用途。Humans may thus have an incipient magnetic sense, or evolution has adopted the molecule for another use in us.

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腐败问题已经成为影响某些地方的经济社会发展、人心稳定的隐患。Corrupt problem have become the incipient fault to the economic society and impede the stabilization of public.

研究结果表明,PCA能有效地进行固体垃圾焚烧炉早期故障检测及诊断。The research result indicated that PCA was an effective approach to incipient fault detection and diagnosis of WSIs.

初生空化数由韦伯数W和空泡相对膨胀速度M所组成。The incipient cavitation number consists of Weber's number W and M- relative velocity of cavitation bubble explosion.

在孩子里,乔是一个小巨人,高得像埃菲尔铁塔。他们全家从欧洲移民过来,因此他略微有些乡音。Joe was an Eiffel Tower of a kid, an incipient giant. His family had emigrated from Europe, and he had a faint accent.

这种效果再加上蒙上的布会让人产生窒息和初期的恐慌,这就像是溺水的感觉。This effect plus the cloth produces the perception of 'suffocation and incipient panic', ie the perception of drowning.

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它们还是中国抗议的显现,一些“初始”的东西在成长,只是看不见而已。They are also occasioning flashes of protest within China , a hint of something " incipient " growing just out of sight.

基于空泡动力学及概率统计理论,本文建议了一种预测绕流体初生空化数的方法。Based on the bubble dynamics and the probability theory, a method for estimating the incipient cavitation number is suggested.

也许他们能活得久一点,但正因为这种退化性的现代生活方式,使他们成为了初发疾病的受害人。Perhaps they live longer, but they have also become victims of incipient diseases due to their modern degenerative lifestyles.