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那个棒球投手和她有段短暂恋情。The moundsman has a transitory amour.

阿难,什么是本质非持久的呢?And what, Ananda, is transitory by nature?

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归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。In the final analysis, most of life's joys are transitory.

通常是暂时性的呃逆所造成的腹部不适。Transitory hiccup is usually caused by epigastric irritation.

必须接受的是革新者的命门在于时间短暂。It is to accept that the innovator’s curse is to be transitory.

可以这么说,在人身上,短暂的生命达到了其活力与精神力量的巅峰。In man transitory life attains its peak of animation, of soul power, so to speak.

如果你真爱某人,你就不会为了一时之乐而伤害伴侣。If you really loved someone, you would not risk breaking their heart for transitory pleasure.

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眼睛是本质非持久的,可见物及眼识是本质非持久的。The eye is transitory by nature, visual objects, visual consciousness is transitory by nature.

阿难,本质为非持久的一切在圣教中被称为世界。What is transitory by nature, Ananda, is called the world in the discipline of the Noble Ones.

在那昙花一现的神妙的瞬间,人面对这个新大陆一定屏息惊异。For a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent.

主要毒副反应为发热、战、闷、过性皮疹及短暂的肝功能指标升高等。The major toxicities were fever, chill, tire, tetter, transitory abnormal liver function and so on.

它是最短暂的艺术形态,瞬间就会消失,因此,万分珍贵!It is art in it’s most transitory form. It is gone within an instant, and therefore, extremely precious.

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不过,6124.04点只是昙花一现,之后,指数以同样的速度掉头向下。Nevertheless, it is 6124.04 bits transitory only, later, the index turns around with same rate downward.

分析性调查次级皮肤现象只会导致暂时的非整合状态的出现。Analytic investigation of the second skin phenomenon tends to produce transitory states of unintegration.

坚信你目前的状态是暂时的,而现在失去的总会回来。Acknowledge that your current state is transitory and that some of what you miss right now, will come back.

1993年后,持久收入和暂时收入对居民消费行为的影响具有较强的解释力。After 1993, the influence of permanent and transitory income on consumption behavior is strongly explainable.

当阿伯和队长对五成胜率一笑置之时,可见如此连胜不会是昙花一现的信念存在他们之中。While both Abreu and Jeter shrugged at . 500, there's a belief that this stretch of baseball isn't transitory.

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这些短暂的旁路可作为胎儿或新生儿房室折返性心动过速的发病基础。These transitory accessory connections may act as substrate for AV reentrant tachycardias in fetuses or neonates.

同时,只有在你仍然将暂时性现象执取为「常」和「实有」时才会存在有虐待的现象。At the same time, abuse phenomena only exist if you are still clinging to transitory phenomena as permanent and real.

在这些患者中,1人曾经历短暂的锥体外系症状和6个月的波动性意识障碍。Of these patients, one experienced transitory extrapyramidal symptoms and fluctuating impairment of consciousness for 6 months.