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使用USB接口充电的电子产品Use USB Rechargeable Electronics

劳拉主修电子学吗?Is Lorna majoring in electronics?

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我的妻子是一位电子工程师。My wife is an electronics engineer.

我是索米公司的肯尼迪先生。This Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics.

Nick走进一个寻常的电子用品商店。Nick enters a common electronics store.

可以。我在精工电气公司工作。B. Yes. I work at Precision Electronics.

XpanD的3D眼镜将于下周在德国柏林国际电子消费品展览会正式首次亮相。IFA consumer electronics fair next week.

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允许用户浏览并购买电子制品Allow a user to browse and buy electronics

先锋电子。我是吴玛莉。Pioneer Electronics. This is Mary Wu spea.

当时她24岁,是电子系的学生。She was a 24-year-old electronics student.

通用电话与电子设备公司。GTE General Telephone and Electronics Corp.

对我来说,当我买电子产品或者电脑的时候,For me, when I buy electronics or computers,

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我也做一些防水到电子产品。I also do some waterproofing to electronics.

万向硅峰电子股份有限公司。Wanxiang Silicon-Peak Electronics Co. , Ltd.

而我发现购买电子产品则最让人蛋疼。I find shopping for electronics is the worst.

我的生活里没有电脑,没有电子产品。I have no computer, no electronics in my life.

视频电子标准协会?。VESA? Video Electronics Standards Association?

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我在如皋皋鑫电子公司工作。I'm working in Rugao Gaoxin Electronics Company.

相比之下,索尼共有57家电子厂。By comparison, Sony has 57 electronics factories.

此项目与乐喜金星电子一起合作。It is working with LG Electronics on the project.