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我们可以吃火锅。We can eat hot pot.

波尔布特?是你吗?Pol Pot? Is that you?

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小壶不久就会热。A little pot soon hot.

热狗锅里热了吃。Eat them from the pot.

杰克躲进锅子里去。Jack gets into the pot.

把盖子盖在锅上。Put the lid on the pot.

锅里的水快耗干了。The pot is boiling dry.

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让每眼暖锅都热可执手。Let every hot pot steam.

壶小易热,量小易开。A little pot is soon hot.

用大汤锅烧开水。Boil some water in a pot.

“男人是锅粥,越熬越有味道”。I need a pot of porridge.

这个锅子可以吗?Is this pot okay for you?

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一个小锅马上就能变热了的。a little pot is soon hot.

锅子和杓子是一起的。Pot and ladle go together.

你抽过大麻吗?Q. Did You Ever Smoke Pot?

而壶嘴还可以倒水呢。The pot can contain water.

是的,我们有一个夜壶。Yes, we had a chamber pot.

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重庆火锅也是举世闻名的。Chongqing hot pot is famous.

你应该多久使用一次洗鼻壶?How Do You Use the Neti Pot?

锅底的油烟弄脏了我的裤子。The pot crocked my trousers.