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光线从放大机的镜头发射出。The light spreads out from the enlarger lens.

因此我买了一个海鸥120相机及一个简单的放大机。So I bought a Seagull 120 camera and a simple enlarger.

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试纸帮助摄影师选择放大器设置,使打印。Test strips help photographers select the enlarger settings to make a print.

透过底片的光线在放大机里通过一个镜头。The light that is shone through the negative passes through a lens in the enlarger.

如果是作者直接放大,也可以在放大机的放大板上进行剪裁。If it is by direct amplification can also be magnified in the enlarger to crop board.

尝试简单道奇和烧伤,在放大器的工具或散光,使好照片。Try simple dodge and burn tools or light diffusers in the enlarger to make good prints.

高频功率放大器的特点是输出功率大和效率高。High power's characteristics of the enlarger is greatly to output powers and the efficiency is high.

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多自由度钻架结构,有效地扩展了钻机的作业范围。Large degree of freedom of drilling frame structure can enlarger efficiently operation scope of drill rig.

复合体系的胀后干缩有增大的趋势。The dry shrinkage of Portland cement and calcium aluminate cement composite cement system trends towards enlarger.

放大是将底片放置在一个像带有幻灯片的幻灯机一样的设备中,它叫放大机。To make an enlargement, the negative is placed in a device something like a slide projector. This is called an enlarger.

就携带型电子设备和大功率应用而论,无滤波器放大器既节约了成本又减小了尺寸。Take an electronics equipments with big power application but theory, have no filter enlarger since economy cost again let up size.

现在我公司也有开发生产属于自己的产品,初步形成了工贸结合、内外贸易并发展。Now we start to develop our products and sale them ourself. For enlarger our marketing, we are looking for business partner oversea.

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本实用新型是关于用黑白胶卷代替彩色胶卷的彩色摄影装置和放印装置。The utility model discloses a color photography apparatus using black and white films instead of color films and an enlarger thereof.

OFDM技术通过串并转换将高比特率变换成低符号率,增大符号间隔,消除码间干扰影响。OFDM transforms high bit-rate into low symbol-rate with serial-to-parallel, by which enlarger the symbol interval and to eliminate ISI.

本实用新型公开了一种彩色扩印机印字机,它是用来增加扩印机具有印字功能的附件。The utility model discloses the printer of a multicolor enlarger, belonging to an accessory used for increasing a printing function for an enlarger.

其彩色负片分别用红、绿、蓝滤色镜及普通放大机分色放大,制成黑白正版。The magnified black white positive separation plates of the negative color film were made with an ordinary enlarger and the filters of red, green and blue.

北东所和格林县是在你的通勤范围的奥尔巴尼通常在你与集中滑雪等镇。The north eastern place from the Greene County is within your commuting range of Albany with enlarger ordinarily concentrated within your ski towns like Tannersville.

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本文介绍了一种与大型卧式放大机配套的吸附式承影板的技术要求、结构原理和性能特点。This paper reports a method for making a suction board for keeping precise ly the photographic paper at due position during the exposure in a large -scale horizontal enlarger.

本文主要介绍功率放大器的概略、设计和测试方法,以及在设计进程中一些基本电路的比较、计算和选择。并根据功放的原理制作了一个小型功率放大器。The general situation, design of this text main introduction power enlarger and test method, and some basic electric circuits in design process of comparison, calculation and choice.

今天,敦煌研究院的专家们只得一次次屈辱地从外国博物馆买取敦煌文献的微缩胶卷,叹息一声,走到放大机前。Today scholars from the dunhuang research academy have to swallow their pride and after sighing helplessly rent microfilm copies from western museums for a look at these relics under the enlarger.