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他是一只羊怪。He was a Faun.

牧神代表了森林之神。A faun represents a forest god.

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露茜说,“你是一个非常好的羊怪。I think you are a very good Faun.

露茜说,你是一个非常好的农牧之神。I think you are a very good Faun.

你知道你为什么会在这里吗?Do you know why you're here, faun?

“当然要让你回家,”羊怪说,“我一定得这样做。"Of course I will, " said the Faun.

你是我见过最友好的半人羊了!You're the nicest faun I've ever met.

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你是我遇到过的最好的农牧之神。You are the nicest Faun I've ever met.

“好了,夏娃的女儿,请吃吧。”羊怪说。"Now, Daughter of Eve! " said the Faun.

这个半人半羊的人只是比路西略微高一点。The faun is only a little taller than Lucy.

“天哪!”羊怪惊叫了一声。"Goodness gracious me! " exclaimed the Faun.

父亲是半人半羊的牧神,母亲是一介女子。Dad is a faun and Mom is a regular human woman.

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我这么小农牧神为什么要对你撒谎呢?。Why would a poor little faun like me lie to you?

夜深了,寂莫孤影的牧神在森林湖畔徘徊。A fantasy about the loneliness of the Faun in the night.

“哦,是啊,”羊怪回答说,布芬家的人全是那样的。"Oh yes, " replied the Faun. All the Buffins always were.

你应该为自己感到羞愧,一个像你这样伟大的农牧之神!You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a great big Faun like you.

他强烈地渴望着这一切,像牧神渴望林间的仙女一样。He wanted it all with a horrible intensity, as the faun wants the nymph.

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在古希腊神话里,到处都可以看到潘神由于这个癖好而到处惹祸的故事。Greek mythological stories of Faun often place him in dilemmas because of his desires.

每年二月中,罗马人会举行盛大的典礼来庆祝牧神节。Each year in February in Rome, who will hold a grand ceremony to celebrate the festival Faun.

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