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五是山楂荷叶茶。Fifth, hawthorn tea lotus leaf.

在茂密的山楂树下。Under the hawthorn in the dense.

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山楂树下不可停留。Do not stay under the hawthorn tree.

亲爱的山楂树呀,我请你帮个忙!Dear Hawthorn , please do me a favor!

山楂健脾开胃消食,脂肪。Hawthorn Jianpi appetizers Xiaoshi, fat.

一只布谷鸟开始在一株山楂树里咕咕地呼叫。A cuckoo began calling from a hawthorn tree.

这颗山楂树结了很多果子。This single hawthorn bearing a lot of fruit.

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健脾助消化,煮粥添山楂。Spleen to aid digestion, porridge Tim Hawthorn.

山楂果是鸟雀冬日补给品。Hawthorn berries are the birds' winter supplies.

山楂片的最基本形状及为山楂片。Hawthorn Tablets basic shape and the hawthorn piece.

叶芽开始在山楂树上长出来。Leaf-shoots were beginning to sprout on the hawthorn.

农民正在把山楂树枝和野柏树枝编成矮篱笆。The farmer is now pleaching the hawthorn and wild plum.

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从食品药性来看,山楂味酸甘。From the food and drug, hawthorn fruit is sour in taste.

燃烧着的山楂用作净化,使你的眼睛靠近仙境。Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

那两个女孩经常一起在那棵大山楂树下玩耍。The two girls always play together under the large hawthorn.

山楂树是一种开着白花或粉花的树。The Hawthorn Tree is a kind of tree with white or pink flowers.

建议喝些姜黄茶或用玫瑰花、红花、山楂泡茶饮。Some suggest a tea or use turmeric, red roses, hawthorn drink tea.

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美洲的一种结红果的山楂属植物。American red-fruited hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-red flowers.

美洲的一种结红果的山楂属植物,伞房花序,花粉红色。American red-fruited hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-red flowers.

金链花与红花山楂是观赏价值很高的观花乔木。Goldenchain Tree and Midland Hawthorn are very good ornamental trees.