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金铝圈表面氧化处理。Aluminum ring and oxidation.

no氧化是自动催化的。The NO oxidation is autocatalytic.

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银不会发生体相氧化。There was no bulk oxidation of the silver.

发现它们均具有催化氧化环己烯的能力。They can catalyze the oxidation of cyclohexene.

良好的氧化安定性、防锈性。Good oxidation stability, rust-proof performance.

方法过氧化氢氧化降解法。MethodsDegradation by hydrogen peroxide oxidation.

涂层钛阳极在使用中会因氧化而失效。Ti-coated anode would failure for oxidation in use.

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而硫酸铅的阳极氧化反应则是众所周知的。The anodic oxidation of lead sulphate is well known.

作用时间对细胞氧化LDL有影响。The incubation time also could affect LDL oxidation.

黄铁矿的氧化速率增大。The rate of oxidation reaction of pyrites increased.

这是因为氧化磁铁矿蜕变。This is because the oxidation breaks down magnetite.

这种酶催化琥珀酸的氧化。This enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of succinic acid.

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应该指出,这一过程就是氧化。It should be pointed out that this process is oxidation.

抑制剂和促进剂能影响氧化速率。Inhibitors and promoters may affect the rate of oxidation.

保持柔软性,并具抗氧化功能。Keep pliability and have the function of resist oxidation.

讨论了氮等离子体流量对混合法氮化效果的影响。And the oxidation was restrained by the mixing method, too.

例如芳基二硫化物可抑制聚烯烃的氧化。Aryl disulfides, for example, inhibit polyolefin oxidation.

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自养营养时,氧化元素硫较弱。Autotrophic oxidation of elemental sulfur is relative weak.

灌口期氧化作用弱,气候干旱炎热。Guankou period is hot and dry climate and oxidation is weak.

文中并对诱导氧化等问题提出了见解。It also gives opinions on the questions of induced oxidation.