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你必要去疏通陶冶一下。You need to workout.

这是什么样的锻炼呢?What kind of workout is this?

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而且她有了个新伙伴。And she has a new workout buddy.

我经常去体操馆锻炼。I often go to a gym for a workout.

运动之后饮用蛋白奶昔。Chug a protein shake after workout.

我们今天运动得真够尽兴。That was a good workout we had today.

跳绳是个加强式运动。Jumping rope is a plyometric style workout.

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完成一项消除一切压力的锻炼。Finishing a workout that reduces all stress.

将10-英里乳酸门槛跑,变作坡道训练。Turn a 10-mile tempo run into a hill workout.

今天早上我们去体育馆锻炼身体。This morning we went to the gym for a workout.

实在是因为这种训练太枯燥了。Otherwise that workout is just too darn boring.

健身球以锻炼出你的紧张。Exercise balls take tension out of your workout.

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我发现了一个熬过跑步机健身的好办法。I have found a way to endure a treadmill workout.

有效的锻炼是一种很好的减压方式。And a really good workout is a great stress buster.

你应该一直以冷却结束你的锻炼。You should always end your workout with a cooldown.

节省了干洗剂和运动服的花费。Save money on laundry detergent and workout clothes.

一开始先从20-30分钟的温和锻炼起步。Start with a 20-30 minute light to moderate workout.

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在开始你的锻炼时候正确的热身活动。Warm up right before you plan to start your workout.

在你耗尽之前的多长时间进食算是黄金时段?How long before your workout is the prime time to eat?

仅通过散步并不能让你获得理想的锻炼效果。You won't get a euphoric workout high by just walking.