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她喜欢“小广播”。She is fond of broadcasting.

每个学校都有一个广播室。Each school has a broadcasting room.

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这些天来,他常发表广播演说。He's broadcasting very often these days.

我们一起去楼上的广播室。Let's go to the broadcasting room upstairs.

贝特曼告诉当地电台。Bateman tells the local broadcasting station.

因特网广播的一种方式是MBONE。One method of Internet broadcasting is MBONE.

我喜欢“不经意式广播”这个主意。I like the idea of serendipitous broadcasting.

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我们在全部主要频道播送节目。We were broadcasting on all the major channels.

有线广播电视系统经营者。Cable broadcasting and television system operator.

在北京广播电台有一场音乐会。There is a concert in beijing broadcasting station.

不用。这个工作由广播系统来做。Not really. The broadcasting system will do the job.

该电台已停播歇夜。The broadcasting station has signed off for the night.

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英国广播公司否认为了使广播通俗易懂而降低水准。The BBC denies that its broadcasting has been dumbed down.

龙卷风使整个沿海的广播都中断了。The tornado disrupted broadcasting along the entire coast.

这家广播电台由早上六点播音至晚上十点。The broadcasting station transmits from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m.

我们镇上有个小规模的地方广播电台。LOCAL】We have a small local broadcasting station in our town.

这些书中大部分都是新闻和广播手册。Most of these books are journalism and broadcasting handbooks.

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广播是当今世界上惟一的非视觉传媒。Radio broadcasting is the only non-visual medium in the world.

电视数字化以后,广电网络资源得到丰富。After digitalized, broadcasting networks get rich in resources.

他是生命之光广播电台的节目部经理。Dale was the Executive Producer for World Christian Broadcasting.