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你是在用下半身思考。You think with your penis.

而现在一具阳物却在主宰着她的生活。And now a penis was running her life.

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小女孩又问他什么事小鸡鸡。The girl again asks him what a penis is.

伊拉克特拉情结其实是阴茎嫉妒。The Electra complex is the penis envy story.

本的****尖端爆发的眼镜凯门鳄。The flared tip of a spectacled caiman's penis.

当测量小弟弟长度,你从哪儿开始测量?When measuring penis length, where do you start?

使用前一阶段作业中的配置来代替吗?。An object used as a substitute for an erect penis.

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阴茎勃起无需大脑参与Erection of the penis can be done without a brain.

病人的生殖器在洗澡时自己脱落了。The patient's penis fell off by itself in the bath.

如果网上所有人都知道我们的命根子很小。The whole internet knowing we've got a small penis.

虽然还是个孩子,但是在一个滑稽短剧中却可以看到他拥有着惊人的小弟弟。Child with an extraordinary penis from a comedy skit

他说,他不能射精的原因是他的小弟弟变小了。He said his penis became small so he can't ejaculate.

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他们唯一改变的是小弟弟的尺寸。The only thing they altered was the size of the penis.

今天,我人生的第一次——让一个女人看到了我的JJ。Today, , for the first time ever, a woman saw my penis.

而巴尔说,‘我要把我的命根子插到那东西里。’And Barr said, 'I'm gonna stick my penis in that thing.'

这估计是有史以来被最多人瞻仰的鸡鸡了。This is perhaps the most viewed penis in all of history.

已经将自己局限在同样的阳物嫉妒之中。Has let itself be defined by the same kind of penis envy.

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她们本来是拥有阴茎的,但却被某人夺去了。You had once had a penis but somebody had taken it from you.

小弟弟尺寸是指长度,周长,还是全部?Is penis size considered to be the length, the girth, or both?

将你的蕾丝内裤系到你男朋友小弟弟的下部。Tie your lacy underwear around of the base of your guy’s penis.