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这是不诚实的。It is dishonest.

他觉得你不够诚实。He thinks you are dishonest.

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他的朋友都是不诚实的。All his friends are dishonest.

但是人类失信了。Somehow, humans are dishonest.

不这样做是不诚实的。No to do so would be dishonest.

床破只是一个不诚实的骗子。He is just a dishonest trickster.

不要用不正当的手段搞钱。Don't get money by dishonest means.

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他以不正当的方式搞钱。He got his money in dishonest ways.

虚报年龄是不诚实的。It is dishonest to lie about ones age.

她被不诚实的推销员骗了。She was duped by the dishonest salesman.

永远不要跟不诚实的人为伴。Never keep company with dishonest persons.

这位不忠实的经理终于被解雇了。The dishonest manager was cashiered at last.

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我们不能容留他这样不老实的人。We can't keep a dishonest man like him here.

这一安排有点不诚实经营的味道。This arrangement smacks of dishonest dealing.

有理由相信他是不诚实的。There is reason to believe that he is dishonest.

在旅游区一定要谨防奸商。Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.

我也是。他们看起来不诚实又不正派。I don't either. They seem dishonest and conniving.

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我从来也没有想到她这么不老实。It never occurred to me that she was s0 dishonest.

自我界定可以是诚实的,亦可以是不诚实的。Self-definition can either be honest or dishonest.

这个不诚实的官员每月都损公肥私。This dishonest officer lines his nest every month.