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这将允许黑客冒充受害者。It allows the attacker to impersonate the victim.

我在大学里所要做的工作就是扮演“乔伊斯·卡洛尔·欧茨”。My job at the university is to impersonate “Joyce Carol Oates.”

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我会利用电影中的角色来扮演或模仿我们生活中熟悉的人。I use character quotes from movies and impersonate people we know.

自然——不要冒充写作风格成功的博客。Be natural — don’t impersonate the writing style of successful bloggers.

没有人能够使用证书或者模仿您,至少从理论上是这样。No one else can use certificates or impersonate yours, at least in theory.

汤姆的模仿能力是超一流的,他能惟妙惟肖地模仿学院里的大多数老师。Tom was a brilliant mimic who could impersonate most of the college staff.

请不要再逼我模仿一只鸡了,不要让我落到这个地步。Don't force me to impersonate a chicken. Please, don't make me fall that low.

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这些检查,拒绝垃圾邮件发送者谁冒充作为源自我的一个服务器上。These checks rejects spammers who impersonate as originating from one of my servers.

如果你模仿的是打魁地奇的哈利,那么别忘了哈利的猩红色斗篷。Tie a scarlet cape around your neck if you want to impersonate Harry as a Quidditch player.

挑拨离间者可用这些虚假的许可证冒充安全网站。These dodgy documents could allow mischief-makers to impersonate supposedly secure websites.

提供生日爱心礼品,分享人性化,人本化,人格化爱迪国际教育。Provide birthday gifts, share the humanity and impersonate love of Aidi international education.

雷尼尔山的退休人员在退休后模仿他们工作过的草地在自家造了绿色草坪并直接用水灌溉草坪。Retirees from rainier climes irrigate green lawns that impersonate the grasslands they left behind.

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您以客户机管理人员的身份登录,并选择您希望模拟的用户的姓名。You login as the client manager and select the name of the user that you would like to impersonate.

当然,在网上冒充一个名人或是为一个电影角色创建虚假资料都是无害的。Sure, it can be harmless to impersonate a celeb online or create a fake profile for a movie character.

在那里遇见一个有法术﹑假充先知的犹太人,名叫巴耶稣。Meets one in there to have the magic arts, to impersonate the prophet the Jew, the name calls Pakistan Jesus.

为了测试他们的流程,他们在很多时候需要一个男人和一个女人来模仿已婚夫妇。To test their procedures, they needed a man and a woman to impersonate a married couple for multiple sessions.

扮鬼个脸就有机会赢得一个全新手提电脑袋里装满的礼物。The one who best can impersonate any "My Opera smiley" will be rewarded with a brand new Opera laptop bag filled with goodies.

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实际情况并非单纯的一个老师身兼作家之职,事实上,她被学校聘为老师,就是为了扮作那个作家。It is not invariably the case that a teacher is also a writer, and that, as a teacher, she has been hired to impersonate the writer.

行动和未来的英国演员汤姆哈代次的主伪造埃姆斯谁可以模拟人的梦想,他希望在世界援助的抢劫。Up and coming British actor Tom Hardy plays the master-forger Eames who can impersonate anyone he wants in the dream world to aid the heist.

税务筹划在企业运行中处于举足轻重的地位,因此它是企业决策不可或缺的前提。Tax Planning impersonate in the severalty link of the taxpayer abearance course, piercing through in the enterprises decision-making all the time.