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第三幕第二景Act , scene 2

切宜仔细。Act carefully!

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我们必须立即行动起来”。We must act now.

我该怎样行动呢?And how will I act?

行为举止如何?How should you act?

咱们不可不尽快行动。We get to act fast.

积极思考和行动。Think and Act Positive.

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这是考验意志的行为。This is an act of will.

谁是开场演出者?。Who is the opening act?

我向他宣读了“取缔闹事法”。I read him the riot act.

通过表演加深记忆。To act the dialogue out.

听一听,读一读并表演。Lisent, read and act out.

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为什么他们要做出这些行为?Why do they act this way?

成功者果断行事。Winners act on decisions.

你需要做的只是行动起来。All you have to do is act.

你什么时候开始拍戏的?When did you start to act?

学生表演课本剧并造句。Act out and make sentences.

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太大男人的男仕,通常比较一意孤行。Men's big men, usually act.

分小组自由表演。Act out the story in groups.

第三幕是收场。Act three is the denouement.