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比赛场点。Game point XX all.

但是我有一个点。But I have a point.

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笑的夶声一点。Laugh loudly point.

那你就输掉一分。You lose one point.

你还真说到点子上了。You've got a point.

这是一个关键点。This is a key point.

这是关键。And that's the point.

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他会为你指路的。He can point the way.

更高的沸点。Higher boiling point.

更高的熔点。Higher melting point.

我还有最后一点要说。I have a final point.

指一指,说一说。Let's point and talk.

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那么,重点是什么呢?So, what’s the point?

得出的结论是。And here is the point.

所以,这边是一个点。So there is one point.

天之涯,海之角。Career days, Sea Point.

所以关键就在这里Here is the main point.

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我指着车尾。I point to the caboose.

其报警点。Its the alarming point.

你说得很全面That's the whole point.