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他的微笑表示他满意了。His smile betoken his satisfaction.

一切都让你满意吗?。Is everything to your satisfaction?

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您的满意是隆达公司的追求。Your satisfaction is what we pursue.

哈金斯还清了他的欠债。Huggins made satisfaction for his debt.

说说你对生活的满意度!Talk about your degree of satisfaction.

仅是声音便让人心满意足。Thee sound alone instills satisfaction.

越美水族,让您心满意足!Yuemei aquarium make satisfaction to you!

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顾客的满意就是我们的首要使命!Customer Satisfaction is our No1 priority!

您的满意就是环亚的追求。Your satisfaction is the pursuit of Abacus.

对它们的满意度也每天递减。And their satisfaction diminishes every day.

您的满意是我们永恒的追求!Your satisfaction is our pursuance for ever.

我肯定会妥善安排令你满意的。I shall certainly do it to your satisfaction.

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您的满意就是鹤兴的追求。Your satisfaction is the pursuit of Hok Hing.

不介意。但是我觉得这样很满意。Not at all. But I've found satisfaction in it!

要取得现场验船师的满意。To the satisfaction of the attending surveyor.

这件事我一定会处理妥当,包你满意。I will dispose the matter to your satisfaction.

所以,学生的称心度长短常主要的。So, the student satisfaction is very important.

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她的声音里面充满了恶意的满足感。Her voice was spitefully rich with satisfaction.

您的满意是我成功的自信!Your satisfaction is our confidences to success!

客户的满意是我们不懈的追求!Customers' satisfaction is our unremitted pursuit!