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这怎么会是板栗呢?This is how it is chestnut?

土生的栗树并没有绝种。The native chestnut is not extinct.

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大家都预期那匹栗色的马能获胜。Everyone expected the chestnut to win.

这些板栗树开始结果了。The chestnut trees begin to bear fruit.

奶油栗子汤,波特酒,黑菌。Chestnut cream soup, port wine, truffle.

这颗果实与甘栗颇为相像。The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut.

蹄都再次萌芽。Water Chestnut germinates and grows again.

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我要在这匹栗色马上下十元赌注。I'll bet ten dollars on the chestnut horse.

它和我以前看到的板栗一点都不象。It and I had not seen a bit like a chestnut.

世界这么大、谁也不过是沧海一栗。The world so much , no one is a chestnut sea.

腰酸肾气虚,煮粥放板栗。Backache kidney virtual, put chestnut porridge.

他带了糖和板栗面包准备当点心吃。He brought a sugar and chestnut loaf for dessert.

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走进迁西,便走进了板栗的世界。Qianxi entered, they walked into the Chestnut world.

现在,小栗已与托尼诞下一子。Now, a small chestnut has given birth to a son, Tony.

这对翅膀的羽毛呈栗色和铜色。The feathers shone chestnut colour and copper colour.

有一匹栗色马,它日行千里长。A chestnut horse, it is line of a thousand miles long.

当心,栗刺会刺你手指的。Be careful—the chestnut burs can prickle your fingers.

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把火鸡去毛洗净后,将栗子填充进去。Dress and clean turkey and fill with Chestnut Stuffing.

他把手电筒对着栗树下的一个地方照过去。He flashed his torch at a spot under the chestnut tree.

最后这只怪鸟,停在一颗栗树的枝头上。At last, the bird perched on a branch of a chestnut tree.