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所有描述爱德蒙唐太斯性格。All describe the character of Edmond Dantes.

这封信让埃德蒙心痛和想家。The letter had made Edmond heart sick and home sick.

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埃德蒙向莫雷尔告退,以便将船停好。Edmond excused himself in order to finish docking the ship.

他发现爱德蒙直挺挺地躺地那儿,身上流着血,几乎已失去了知觉。He found Edmond lying prone, bleeding, and almost senseless.

埃德蒙多每个字都听见了,但是,他对谈话内容却不甚了然。Edmond heard every word, but he understood very little of what was said.

神甫就势倒在爱德蒙的床上休息,而爱德蒙仍然站着。The abbé sank upon Edmond's bed. while Edmond himself remained standing.

美塞苔丝请求再等六个月,以期待并哀悼爱德蒙。Mercédès begged for six months more in which to await and mourn for Edmond.

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委员会主席高彦鸣承诺会听取教师意见。Its chairman, Edmond Ko , pledged to attach great importance to their views.

莫雷尔向邓格拉斯解释说,埃德蒙是法拉恩号的大副。Morrel explained to Danglars that Edmond had been First Mate of the Pharaon.

TechRepublic投稿人埃蒙德·沃伊乔斯基分享了他列出的前20个理由。TechRepublic contributor Edmond Woychowsky shares his list of top 20 reasons.

美塞苔丝要求再等六个月,以等待并哀悼爱德蒙。Mercédès begged for six months more in which to anticipate and ache for Edmond.

他本来还想说出“爱德蒙·唐太斯”这个名字,但伯爵抓住他的手臂,阻止了他。He wold have added "Edmond Dantès, " but the count seized his arm and prevented him.

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吴先生持有巴斯大学工商管理学,英国学士学位。Edmond holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Bath, UK.

牛顿和哈雷曾经在伦敦咖啡馆的桌子上解剖海豚。Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley once dissected a dolphin on the table of a coffee house in London.

爱德蒙望了他们一会儿,脸上带着一个超群脱俗的人的那种悲哀而柔和的微笑。Edmond looked at them for a moment with the sad and gentle smile of a man superior to his fellows.

1939年,她认识了富有的法国工业家,亨利.埃德蒙达.菲奥卡,并于当年11月30号嫁给了她。Later, in 1939 she met wealthy French industrialist Henri Edmond Fiocca, whom she married on 30 November.

产于奥克地区的埃德蒙贝尔纳酒庄,是优质的地区餐酒。The Edmond Bernard wines are chosen from selected vineyards in the Languedoc region of South West France.

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千篇一律的乡村绿地,教堂的尖塔俯视着小学校的大食堂,这是由埃德蒙.吉伯于1609年所建的。The stereotypical village green and church tower overlook the Primary School Refectory built in 1609 by Edmond Gibbons.

爱德蒙的眼睛所盯住的,是那艘清晨时动身的双桅船,和刚才开出去的那艘独桅船。It was at the brigantine that had left in the morning, and the tartan that had just set sail, that Edmond fixed his eyes.

他睁开眼直叫膝盖痛得厉害,头觉得很重,腰也痛得厉害。Edmond opened his eyes, complained of great pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and severe pains in his loins.