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当你握住朋友的手时,很警觉的做它。When you hold the hand of your friend, do it very alertly.

然后她就看到了渔网,于是在瞬间做出反应,警觉地避开了它。Then she saw it and alertly avoided it at the very last moment.

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发起人立即造了一份遥控马达的报价单。The apostle alertly made a citation for the limited control motors.

瑞德的眼睛警觉地往后一缩,但还是犀利的,不过声音有点犹豫了。Rhett's eyes came alertly back and they were sharp, but his voice was casual.

我刚想开口的时候,她警觉地坐直起来,用警告的声音说了一声“嘘”。I was about to speak when she sat up alertly and said "Sh! " in a warning voice.

而稍加留意便会发现,这3名用户其实都是系统治理员。And can discover alertly slightly, these 3 users are systematic manager actually.

因此,大脑和心灵必须安静,在艰辛之后保持警觉的被动,以便更新自己。So must the mind-heart be silent, alertly passive after travail, to renew itself.

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为了理解,心必须深入探究,还要知道什么时候保持警觉的被动。To understand, mind must delve deeply and yet it must know when to be alertly passive.

我留心的是牛群聚成一团或到处奔跑,或者向四周警惕观望,同时哞叫。What I look for is cattle bunched up or running, or just looking around alertly and calling.

记者留意到,“开心网”发起的一个投票“如果有伤心网你会去吗?”The reporter arrives alertly , "Happy net " poll when initiate " can if there is sad net, you go?

这只狗安静地蹲坐在我们旁边,警觉地看向远处,散发出一股巨大的平和与力量。The dog sat quietly with us, looking alertly into the distance and radiating a profound sense of peace and power.

像这种类型的也还有很多,大家稍微留意下就能发现不少。Resemble this kind of kind still also have a lot of, everybody falls to be able to discover alertly a little many.

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大年初三的时候,我把家里的相机弄丢了,逛街的时候没留意就不见了。At the beginning of good year 3 when, I lost the watch for a chance in the home, when shopping, did not disappear alertly.

禅修当中,当我们努力学习清醒寂静地活在当下,我们与自己以及这个世界之间就能有更深的亲切感。As we learn to be alertly and calmly present in our meditation, a deeper intimacy with ourselves and with the world will arise.

这么想着,农夫提高了警惕,站起身来一个劲地向苇丛中张望,观察是什么东西隐蔽在那里。Thinking of this, the peasant alertly stood up and peered persistently11 into the reeds, tying to find out what was hiding there.

留意一下游戏场所的安全性,最好以草地或木板为佳,避免水泥地和打蜡的地面。Make fun of downstream alertly spatial security, had better be beautiful with meadow or board, avoid cement ground and waxed area.

用户只要稍微留意即可看出来,非凡是电池,金属触点处会有明显的用过的划痕。The user wants to be able to see alertly a little only, especially batteries, metallic contact place can have apparent has used nick.

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所以购买时,要多留意所使用的五金功能件的品牌,即使多花一些钱也是值得的。When be being bought so, the hardware function that should use alertly more brand, although a few more floriferous money also is worthiness.

我最近留意到,携程旅行网已就三亚“保单门”事件发出官方声明。I arrive alertly recently, net of the journey that carry Cheng already 3 inferior " guarantee slip door " incident issues official statement.

有几天,他眼睛很有神——笑所汇报来的不幸,听说话也很机警,并说他不能料理自己心里感觉很痛苦。Some days his eyes were eloquent —laughing at our reported mishaps, listening alertly , revealing painful awareness of his inability to care for himself.