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来自吐哈油田,爱好长笛演奏和声乐。From tuha oil field , like flute and vocality.

合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。Chorus is a collective vocality performing art.

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声乐艺术成就奖廖昌永。Arts Achievement Award of Vocality Liao Changyong.

在声乐教学中发声练习必须放在首位。Vocalization should play a primary role in vocality teaching.

声乐教学在学前艺术教学中占有重要地位。Vocality teaching plays a very important role in preschool art teaching.

中国的声乐艺术,有着悠久的历史和浓郁的文化传统。Chinese vocality art has centuries-old history and full-bodied cultural tradition.

从远古时期的劳动号子到唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清的民歌以及戏曲、说唱艺术,各种民族音乐体系都离不开声乐。Chinese drama, art of speaking and singing and all kinds of folk music don't part from vocality.

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声乐作为人的一种高度主体性的艺术创造活动,更是和人的心理素质密不可分的。As a kind of highly subjective artistic creation, vocality cannot be separated from the psychology.

民族声乐的文化定位首先是其文化身份的识别问题。The cultural orientation of folk vocality is firstly the issue of its cultural identity recognition.

声乐学习是一个艰苦的过程,有着很多技术的学习和音乐实践经验需要学习者去积累。Vocality study, as a hard process, requires the learners' accumulation of skill study and experience.

早期它仅作为一件伴奏乐器,主要用于口琴乐队和声乐伴奏中。In the early time, it was just an accompaniment instrument used in harmonica bands and vocality accompaniment.

建构“中国声乐学派”需要传统民族文化的背景支撑。The construction of "Chinese School of Vocality " requires the background support of traditional folk culture.

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主要论述吴雁泽对民族声乐艺术的贡献和高境界的执着追求。The conclusion is about Wu Yanze's contribution to national vocality and his persevering pursuit of lofty arts.

声乐艺术与歌唱艺术是否是一码事,长期以来被专业和非专业人士所忽视。It has been ignored by professionals and non-professionals for centuries whether vocality and singing are the same.

那么,如何把握声乐作品的演唱风格,是实现声乐表演价值的关键。Then, how to mast the singing style of a vocality work is the key of the value realization of vocality performance.

以上就是笔者以声乐视角去研究侗族大歌的重要原因。What are mentioned above are the very reasons that I study Dong Minority Big Song from the perspective of vocality.

随着时代的发展,高师的声乐教学需要有更科学和更完善的方法。With the development of our times, vocality teaching in normal colleges need more scientific and more perfect approaches.

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与时俱进,使当代中国民族声乐艺术及其教育发扬光大。It also advices advancing with the times and further developing and promoting Chinese ethnic vocality and vocal education.

文章的第二部分对声乐基础训练的内容及实施进行了论述,是整篇论文的主体部分。The second part describes the content and measures for the vocality essential training, which is the main body of the paper.

“呼麦”是蒙古族特有的一种声乐艺术,2006年被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。Humai is a special vocality art of Mongol minority, which was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage lists.