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现阶段,这些路口大多使用周期固定的红绿灯控制器。In our country, those crossings often use fixed Cyc red and green light.

例如,在寒假期间中国青年团的活动非常受欢迎。The CYC 's activities during winter vacation, for example, are very popular.

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用于诱导治疗时,霉酚酸酯比环磷酰胺有更少的副作用。Induction therapy with MMF is also associated with fewer side effects than induction therapy with CYC.

在中国青年团的夏季项目中你将学习这些问题的答案以及其他有趣的问题。You will learn the answers to these and many other interesting questions in the CYC 's summer programs.

CYC常识知识库可以被用作任何知识密集型系统的知识主体。The CYC common sense knowledge can be used as a body of a knowledge base for any knowledge intensive system.

广泛应用于学校、幼儿园、医院、制药厂、办公室等场所。Korea CYC Aurora is widely used in schools, kindergartens, hospitals, laboratories, offices and other places.

本赛季从伤病中恢复并准备竞争一线队位置的辛克莱尔,已经在CYC中一支强大的球队的名单中了。Sinclair, who is back from injury and set to battle for a first-team place this season, has been named in a formidable side for the CYC.

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本从伤病中恢复并预备竞争一线队位置的辛克莱尔,已经在CYC中一支强盛的球队的名单中了。Sinclair, who is back from injury and set to battle for a first- team place this season, has been named in a formidable side for the CYC.

其插补精度与最大进给速度、机床系统的脉冲当量、插补周期,以及脉冲发生器的输出脉冲频率有关。The interpolation precision is correlated with max feed rate pulse equivalent of cnc cyc of interpolation and output impulse frequency of pulse generator.

所以CYC很大一部分工作就是格式化一般的关系并填补它与专家使用的高度系统化的知识间的空白。Thus a large part of the work of the CYC project is to formalize common relationships and fill in the gaps between the highly systematized knowledge used by specialists.

观察赛克以自然语言界面的原型运作,就像在聊天室里观看集盲聋哑三重残障于一身的海伦凯勒一样。Watching Cyc at work with a prototype natural-language interface is like watching a chat-room session with a tirelessly polite but ruthlessly inquisitive version of Helen Keller.