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我看到一个猪脸的坡脚欧巴桑。I gotta pig-face, gimpy limping Mama.

他是橙色的,身体的一边有一只鳍有些残缺。He's orange and has got a gimpy fin on one side.

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他左腿跛的,走起路来一瘸一拐地。His left leg is gimpy and lamely when his walking.

吉诺比利也承认他一瘸一拐的左脚踝也影响了他的发挥。Ginobili also acknowledged his gimpy left ankle hampered his game.

我想跛脚的那个男人才应该决定哪里休息。I thought the guy with the gimpy leg should be deciding when we rest.

金比经常对我吼叫,但是我知道他其实是很喜欢我的,因为他是我的好朋友。Gimpy hollers at me all the time when I do something wrong, but he really likes me cuz he is my friend.

再说新赛季球票销售在即,火箭队是不会让姚明第一次公开亮相就一瘸一拐的。Not to mention, with season tickets to sell, the Rockets wouldn't roll out a gimpy Yao for the cameras.

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然而鉴于手指和膝盖都有伤,小飞侠早早的便结束训练继续休养去了。Bryant, who has an arthritic finger and a gimpy ankle among several minor injuries, left practice early to stay rested.

即便在一瘸一拐的情况下比赛,诺维茨基还是重新获得了信心,要知道他们上赛季可是在季后赛首轮就被勇士给扫地出门。Even while playing on a gimpy ankle, Dirk Nowitzki seems to have regained the confidence he lost during last season's first-round flameout against Golden State.

在过去的两年中,NBA老将复出的迹象变得越来越明显,其中包括一些以往受伤的或是上了年纪的前明星试图返回赛场,或是认真的思考这一问题。The NBA comeback trail has become crowded over the past two years, with several formerly gimpy or aged ex-stars either trying to return or seriously thinking about it.

举例来说,「简单缺陷」可从含有850字的字典内挑出一个字,然后以扭曲或添加空白的方式使字母变形,并为字母加上混杂的背景。As an example, EZ- Gimpy selects a word from an 850-word dictionary and then disfigures the letters by warping the font or leaving gaps in the letters and placing them on a busy background.