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白天明显地开始变长了。The days begin to draw out noticeably.

难开尊口型沉默,就是一个沉默,此时无声胜有声。Is noticeably quiet Oh, how deafening is silence.

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今年盘带也有显著的改变。The dribbling also feels noticeably different this year.

2000年前后他们在青田的投资额迅速放大。Around 2000, they increased their investment in Qingtian noticeably.

直接把数据添加到例如MP3这样的文件里,会让文件变大。Hiding data in MP3s, for example, makes the file size noticeably larger.

说谎者会显得烦躁不安,尤其是在交谈的停顿时间里。Liars may noticeably fidget, especially during a pause in the conversation.

但他是个焦虑的孩子,和那些活蹦乱跳的同学比起来,明显的沉默。But he is an anxious child, noticeably quieter than his boisterous schoolmates.

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楼下是挤满了人的斯坦哈特水族馆,人们看起来喝得更醉了。Downstairs, the Steinhart Aquarium is packed and people are noticeably tipsier.

“低价领袖”依然保持自己的名头,但其利润已经微乎其微了。The “low-price leader” still holds its title, but by a noticeably slimmer margin.

所有土壤在受荷载作用时明显受到压缩,并引起所支承的建筑物沉降。All soils compress noticeably when loaded and cause the supported structure to settle.

很明显对美国的指责是不存在的,至少在义军一方是这样的。Denunciations of America are noticeably absent, at least on the rebel side of the line.

温家宝说,中英关系近年来取得了长足的发展。Premier Wen said that Sino-British relations have developed noticeably in recent years.

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基于组件的编程模型有许多好处,最显著的好处是可以减少复杂性。A component-based programming model has many benefits, most noticeably reduced complexity.

所以尽管IMF的损失要比瑞宾尼要少,很明显政策监管者比IMF更有风险意识。So regulators were noticeably more risk-aware than the IMF, albeit less so than Mr Roubini.

除此之外,中国公共支出还要受到劳动力参与率的显著影响。Besides, China's public expenditure was noticeably affected by labor-force participation rate.

我们已经因为伤病失去了曾经在边路上锐不可当的乔科尔。We are sorely missing Joe Cole who provides the flair that is so noticeably lacking elsewhere.

在竞争中显著的与众不同可以帮你更好地吸引顾客,做成生意。Being noticeably different from the competition can help you attract customers and close sales.

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而最引人注目的是震后日本并没有出现抢夺的风潮,绝非仅我一人对此感到非常地好奇。Most noticeably of all, there has been no looting, and I’m not the only one curious about this.

非浏览状态的标签也明显小了,所以不用看颜色你仍然可以分辨出哪标签是当前在看的。The tabs not being viewed are also noticeably fainter, so you can still tell which tab is open.

发表于自然杂志上的文章说,弱风暴的数量并没有明显的改变。Writing in the journal Nature, they say the number of weaker storms has not noticeably altered.