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银行也在一直加快提高他们的资本化标准。Banks are also continuing to step up their capitalisation levels.

全球市值最大的四家银行有三家是由国家控制的。Three of the four largest banks by market capitalisation are state-controlled.

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现在它们的市值包揽的世界所有上市公司的前三名。Now they are ranked first, second and third worldwide in terms of market capitalisation.

这些指数是根据企业的总市值和他们在中国的收入份额来进行加权平均计算而得。The index is weighted by the firms’ market capitalisation and the share of their revenues they get from China.

市场咸认此策略大胆,因为辉瑞此部门价值几乎是蒙牛市值的两倍.A bid by Mengniu, would be a bold bet, as the estimated value of the Pfizer unit is around twice that of Mengniu's market capitalisation.

新加坡金融管理局的股价,另一方面,一直处于跌势,在过去六个月中,失去40仙,其目前的市值在RM6.05bil的。MAS' share price, on the other hand, has been on a downtrend in the past six months, losing 40 sen, and its current market capitalisation is at RM6.05bil.

虽然中国石油去年跌落了几乎一半的市值,但是它仍旧是世界上市值最高的公司。THE market capitalisation of PetroChina may have fallen by almost half in the past year, but it remains the world’s most valuable publicly listed company.

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国有石油公司控制这世界上四分之三的原油储备,全世界市值最高的四家公司里有三家就是国有控股。State oil companies control three-quarters of the world’s crude oil reserves. Three of the four largest banks by market capitalisation are state-controlled.

若以市场总价值衡量,中国不仅有在世界前四大银行中三席,还拥有世界上最大的两家保险公司和世界第二大股票交易市场。China has, by market capitalisation , three of the world's four biggest banks, the world's two largest insurance companies, and the world's second largest stock market.

以美元计算,中国股票市场已超过日本,成为全球市值第二大股市,原因是投资者加大对快速增长经济体的投资。China has overtaken Japan to become the world's second- biggest stock market by capitalisation in dollar terms as investors increase their exposure to the fast-growing economy.

今天,AAA来到了中国市场,它不仅带来最新的产品与技术,更带来了一场产业革命与一个市值千亿的创富良机!Today, AAA came to the Chinese market, it not only brings the latest products and technologies, but also brought a revolution with a market capitalisation of billions of wealth!

所有的人都认为,未来掌握在诸如雅虎之类的创业型企业手里,雅虎于1998年末员工总数为637人,资产总额与当时员工总数为23万人的波音公司相同。Everyone agreed that the future lay withp entrepreneurial start-ups such as Yahoo!—which in late 1998 had the same market capitalisation with 637 employees as Boeing with 230, 000.

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虽然这类股票仍算作已发行,但在计算每股收益或市值时不再算入发行在外的全部股票中。Although the shares remain issued, they are no longer considered part of the total shares outstanding that are taken into account in calculating earnings per share or market capitalisation.

油气勘探支出包括钻井勘探支出和非钻井勘探支出,钻井勘探支出的资本化采用成果法。Oil and gas exploration costs include drilling exploration costs and the non-drilling exploration costs. The successful efforts method is used for the capitalisation of the drilling exploration costs.