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一丝不挂的说给我听。Stark- nakedly say that let me listen to.

该事之恐怖,实在令人毛骨悚然,他们都吓得一声不吭。The horror of this, so nakedly terrifying, held them all silent.

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该事之恐怖,实在令人毛骨悚然,他们都吓得一声不吭。The horror of this, so nakedly terrifying, hold them all silent.

任由你们读懂我,而我会赤裸裸地拥抱整个世界。Whatever you spell over me, but I will hug the entire world nakedly.

亨瑞特看见巴勇士身影,骑着匹鞍鞯摇摇,举着把枪冲。Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised.

每一个人都是赤裸裸的来到这个世界上,本来什么都没有。Each persons arrive at this nakedly in the world, original have nothing at all.

杰克回来时,茉莉的衣服已经干了。她见他半裸着进来了。When Jack comes back Molly has parched her clothes. She sees him come in half- nakedly.

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我赤裸裸地来到这个世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸地回去罢?I came to this world nakedly, and I will also go back nakedly in the twinkling of an eye.

新修正主义者的领导们为了自己的生存,赤裸裸地为反动派张目。The new revisionist ring leaders, in order to fight for their survival, went nakedly to play into the reactionary's hands.

我发现这些人对你都惊人地坦诚,你是如何拨开传媒世界的外衣,进入到内部的呢?I found it surprising how nakedly honest they were with you. How did you peel the skin back of this media world and find your way in?

艺术家吴强从东营艺术区脱光衣服,挤对建筑物的废墟赤裸裸地对已经拆除。Artist Wu Yiqiang from Dongying Art District undressed and huddled nakedly against ruins of buildings that had already been demolished.

在我成长过程中看到的皮草都显得过于厚重以至整个人都陷在里面,或者干脆使穿着皮草的人看上去都像急于显富的暴发户。The coats of my growing-up seemed too all-encompassing , too obliterating of the person underneath. That , or just too nakedly arriviste.

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此次南非世界杯有许多南非特色的球迷装备,比如说大部分或完全油漆过的小头盔马卡拉帕帽。There are some distinctively South African accessories at this World Cup, makarapa hats, essentially or nakedly decorated minus helmets being one.

市里的领导这么做分明就是赤裸裸的给我穿小鞋,弄得我在局里几乎抬不起头来了。The leadership in the city's doing so nakedly dressing small shoe as me is explicit and made me about heave in the bureau to not and ahead of come.

可我也听说有一家设计公司很高调的推出“赤裸礼拜五”计划,鼓励员工每周五一丝不挂的工作。But i have heard that a design company carrid out a plan in high profile called "Naked Friday", this plan encourages the employee to work nakedly on friday.

局外人注意到民主在中欧大部分地区站的不稳,并且对暴力的公共抗议,赤裸裸的平民主义政治家和正在蔓延的政治混乱十分恼怒。Outsiders noted the shallow roots of democracy in much of central Europe and fretted about violent public protests, nakedly populist politicians and spreading political chaos.