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那位可怜的老头开始变得衰弱颤抖了。The poor old man is beginning to dodder.

菟丝子看起来纤细而弱小,但不要被其外观所欺骗。The dodder weed may look stringy and small, but don’t let that trick you.

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菟丝子会使农业减产,还会使种子作物滞销。Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable.

在另外的一个试验中,宾夕法尼亚州的研究人员发现菟丝子会做出选择。In another experiment, the Penn State researchers found that the dodder weed can make choices.

菟丝子是苜蓿田中最常见的一年生寄生性恶性杂草,是世界性的杂草检疫对象。The dodder is one kind of annual autoecious weed of alfalfa, cosmopolitan weed quar ine object.

大豆菟丝子是大豆生产上常见的病害,为检疫性病害。Soybean Dodder is one of the popular and quarantined diseases threatening the soybean production.

研究人员将番茄植物的气味分离出来,来测试菟丝子是否会朝着这些气味生长。The researchers also isolated tomato plant odors to test if the dodder weed would grow towards them.

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她坐落于利菲河河口与多德河的汇流处的都柏林湾。It is located on Dublin Bay at the mouth of the Liffey River at its confluence with the Dodder River.

研究人员从小麦中提取的一种化学物质可以抵制菟丝子,所以有可能找到新办法来抗击这种杂草。The researchers isolated a chemical in wheat that repels dodder. This could lead to new ways of fighting the weed.

当研究人员隔绝西红柿植物挥发物,并将之涂在一块橡皮上,菟丝子试着接近那块橡皮。When the researchers isolated tomato plant volatiles and smeared them on the piece of rubber, dodder tried to attack that.

当研究人员将番茄的植物挥发物提取出来,抹在一块橡胶上时,菟丝子就企图攻击这块橡胶。When the researchers isolated tomato plant volatiles and smeared them on the piece of rubber, dodder tried to attack that.

菟丝子幼苗的种子里只有很有限的养分。幼苗必须迅速找到它的宿主不然就会死掉。Because dodder saplings have only a limited amount of food in their seeds, the saplings must quickly find a host plant or die.

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由两次测量得出的菟丝子生长指标平均值来看,百草枯100倍、200倍溶液,具有最佳的抑制效果。Dodder derived from two measured average growth index terms that paraquat 100 times and 200 times, has the best inhibitory effect.

菟丝子会使农业减产,还会使种子作物滞销,因为很难将其与寄主作物分开。Dodder can reduce agricultural productivity and can render a seed crop unmarketable since it’s hard to separate it from its host plant.

研究人员将菟丝子秧苗放到两个塑料圆筒中间,两个圆筒分别通向一个塑料盒子,盒子里各放着一种植物。Physically separating the weed from the other plants, the researchers placed the dodder seedling in the middle of two plastic pipes, each leading to a plastic box containing a plant.

并系统的提出了植物检疫、农业防治、物理防治、化学防治和生物防治等较为有效的菟丝子综合治理技术体系。The technique system of integration dodder management on alfalfa including plant quarantine agricultural and biological prevention and chemical and biological control are put forward.

是某些寄生真菌和某些寄生植物如菟丝子和肉苁蓉所长出的特化结构,它可以刺入寄主植物体内并从寄主细胞中吸取营养物质。Haustoria A specialized outgrowth of many parasitic fungi and certain parasitic plants such as dodder and broomrape, that penetrates into and withdraws food material from the cells of the host plant.