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来一段录音游记。An audio diary.

声频流。Streaming audio.

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支持A2DP音频流。A2DP audio streaming.

高清音频格式的支持。HD audio format support.

你有语音导览吗?Do you have an audio guide?

试试看在CCE中关掉音频。Try disabling the audio in CCE.

纤指相逢赏音人。Audio tours Xianzhi meet people.

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免费电子书或视频书籍Free e-books or even audio books

带有音频系统的太阳眼镜盒。Sun glasses box with audio system.

改进视音频的检视面板.Improved inspector for movie audio.

必须要听,还要看。We have to put the audio visual up.

你能找到一个盒带录音机吗?Can you find a audio cassette player?

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是数字音频接口的缺陷?Is the digital audio interface flawed?

这里还有一个辅助,在音频输入。There's also an aux in for audio input.

卡通式的视觉效果和滑稽的声音。Cartoon-style visuals and comical audio.

支持档案与杜比数字音频。Supports files with Dolby Digital audio.

改善Vorbis音频解码器的性能。Improve Vorbis audio decoder performance.

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音频系统供应嘹亮。The audio system was supplied by Clarion.

当发生这些情况时,您就会得到音频警告。When that happens, you get an audio alert.

真正把人围绕的家庭影院Home-theater audio that truly surrounds you