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晨光悄悄地穿过百叶窗。Dawn through the shutter stealthily.

费根蹑手蹑足了厨房的楼梯。Fagin stealthily descended the kitchen stairs.

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费根蹑手蹑足了厨房的楼梯。Fagin stealthily descended the kitchen stairs.

他们几个在墙角处鬼头鬼脑地往外探望。They peeped out stealthily from a corner of the wall.

埃利养好了伤,偷偷地来到杰姬的别墅外。Ella raise good hurt the, stealthily up to Jackie villa outside.

那时,我会一声不吭但是暗地里很享受整个打扮的过程。I kept silent but enjoyed the whole course of make-up stealthily.

于是,他俩一前一后,踮着脚尖,偷偷走过去。So they went tiptoeing stealthily down, the one behind the other.

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一些班头天查完,第二天便悄悄复课。Day of a few heads is checked, the following day stealthily resume classes.

通常,珀西爵士会阐明他的观点,然后离开,悄悄的安静的离开。Sir Percy usually made his points, and got his way, stealthily and quietly.

太阳从树梢,从屋顶慢慢地爬下来,花在许多人家里开。The sun stealthily climbed down from the treetops to roofs and then to the ground.

叶生始终怀疑邓凯的身份,两个人开始暗地里的斗争。Xie Sheng doubts Deng Kai's capacity from beginning to end, two people begin stealthily fight.

神父就差一点儿出车祸。在控制著车车后,他偷偷的将他的手滑向她的腿。The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.

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和舰科技在中国的产量悄然上升,并从UMC的客户群中获益。Hejian stealthily built up capacity in China, and benefited from an overlapping customer base with UMC.

我不知道是哪根神经的传导,使这位双目失明的演员知道我在偷偷撩动翼幕。I didn't know which of his nerves told this blind actor that I was stealthily moving the side curtains.

在一些国家,公务人员退休后职位便不再招纳,以此来悄悄地削减支出。In several countries cuts are being stealthily applied by not replacing civil servants when they retire.

逐渐恢复记忆的林亦达被爱感动,暗地里帮助困境中的温翎。The Lin Yida that restores memory gradually is loved to touch, help the Wen Ling in predicament stealthily.

朱诺放下了自己的焊枪,她打开了手枪上的保险,匍匐着从飞船下面潜行过去。Putting down her welder, she disengaged the safety on her pistol and moved stealthily out from under the ship.

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猎海师的儿子悄悄的溜进了关押人鱼的密室,并且救出了小人鱼。The son of hunt sea division stealthily smooth entered lock up the penetralia of merman, and rescued small merman.

在晴朗的夜晚,即使空气的温度在冰点以上,地平面上也能结霜。Stars are twinkling in the remote cloudless sky. Whiffs of sweet osmanthus are stealthily penetrating through the air.

螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,正当他们暗自庆幸的时候,另一场杀戮正在悄悄进行着。After mantis catchs cicada siskin to be in, just when they rejoice secretly when, another kill is undertaking stealthily.