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为期两天的大湄公河次区域首脑会议将于星期天开幕。The two-day Greater Mekong Subregion summit begins Sunday.

本文提出了一个分区函数法的概念。In this paper, a new concept of subregion function method is suggested.

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区系性质属于印度—西太平洋区的中国—日本亚区。These species belong to Chinese-Japanese subregion of Indo-West-Pacific region.

他将会见出席大湄公河次区域第三次首脑会议的其他国家领导人。He will join other heads of state for the third Greater Mekong Subregion summit.

很明显,湄公地区正被看作是多重利益的结合点。It is clear the Mekong subregion is seeing an integration of multiple interests.

海马结构的CA3、CA4区和齿状回与空间辨别性学习记忆的关系密切。The CA3, CA4 subregion and the dentate gyms are correlated with the spacial learning and memory.

大亚湾海域水螅水母类,其动物地理区划属印度-西太平洋区印-马亚区。The fauna of Hydromedusae in Daya Bay belong to Indo-Malayan Subregion of Indo-West-Pacific Region.

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区域合作,对提升次地区的全面发展,起着十分重要的作用。The regional cooperation is playing a vital role in promoting comprehensive development of the subregion.

在该框架下,中国积极参与了大湄公河次区域经济合作。Under the framework, China has actively participated in the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation.

现在,该地区已经形成了政治和平,社会稳定,经济发展局面。Countries in the Mekong subregion today have achieved political peace, social stability, and economic gains.

目前,本项计划已扩大到东亚湄公河次区域的五个国家和加勒比地区的八个国家。The initiative has been expanded to five countries in the Mekong subregion of East Asia and eight in the Caribbean.

为适于界面断裂问题的分析,完善并发展了基于小变形弹塑性理论的弹塑性边界元子域法。An elastoplastic boundary element subregion method is proposed and improved by the authors to use in fracture problems.

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本文还导出了包括任意组合的多个子域问题的分区边界元方程。The equation is also derived for the subregion boundary element including more than one arbitrarily-combined subregions.

对水泥混凝土系统环境评价的边界条件、系统内涵和外延、指标化方法等进行了系统的研究。The edge conditions, subregion method, index of environment compatibility assessment system of cement&concrete is studied.

当子区域中的程式码参考变数名称时,编译器就会解析对主导遮蔽变数的参考。When code inside the subregion refers to the variable name, the compiler resolves the reference to the shadowing variable.

所以柴达木盆地在植被区划上应当是欧亚草原区青藏高原高寒草原亚区的一个下属分区单位。Since then Chaidam Basin ought to belong to the subregion of cold steppe of Qing-Zang plateau in the Eurasia steppe region.

研究了两种调度方案,即10个底孔间隔开启方案和分区调度方案。The first scheme is that the operations of 10 bottom outlets were used in interval, and, the seeond , in subregion regulation.

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东北平原植物区系亚地区约有野生种子植物1047种,隶属于98科429属之中。There are about 1047 species of wild seed plants in the flora subregion of NE. China Plain, belonging to 98 families and 429 genera.

共同参与湄公河次区域开发,推进亚洲基础设施网络化建设。They should also take part in the development of the Greater Mekong Subregion and accelerate the building of Asia's infrastructure network.

改进了肤色不变色域匹配算法,对肤色所在子域进行变内核处理,进一步提高了肤色再现质量。The flesh tone subregion is processed with changing kernel of gamut, so the mended method improves the reproduction quality of flesh tone content.