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瑞吉斯已经不会出现在普拉西斯星上了!The Regis is no longer on Praxis !

信息-科学与实践。Information- Wissenschaft und Praxis.

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现在我想把我的知识用于实践中去。Jetzt möchte ich meine Kenntnisse in der Praxis anwenden.

这里,实践优于一般理论是很显然的。Here the advantage of praxis over general theories is apparent.

实践哲学的传统可以追溯到古希腊的亚里士多德。The tradition of Praxis philosophy is established by Aristotle.

然而实践的争论并未获得理论的积极回应。But the praxis of dispute did not achieve the response of theory.

现实与理想之间总有那么大的差异。There always have much dissimilitude between praxis and ideality.

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但由于冯契最终将智慧定位为知,就无法顾及它性的相关性。That Feng defined wisdom as knowing made it lose its relevance to praxis.

对这个问题进行研究,具有极大的理论价值和现实借鉴作用。To research it has great theory value and praxis function using for reference.

但你们一定会品尝到中国公民不懈努力和愤怒的苦果的!But Boing must be tasted the praxis under the efforts from the indignant Chinese people!

普拉西斯像只垂死挣扎的野兽,咆哮着,怒吼着,GMU在它震耳欲聋的呼号里喀喀作响。Praxis bellowed and roared like some tortured animal, rattling the GMU with its clamorous cries.

实践不仅是社会本体论的本体,而且是审美、美、艺术的本体。Praxis is not only the body of social ontology, but also the body of aesthetics, beauty and art.

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实践哲学不仅指示了哲学的出路,还体现了它的根本性质。Philosophy of praxis not only indicates the way out for philosophy, but also reflects its nature.

似乎每种技术和方法,以及每种实践和选择,都朝着某种好的东西而努力。Lt seems that each skill and method, as well as each praxis and choice, strives to something good.

意识等同于实践,无产阶级意识是历史的真正动力。The consciousness equaled to praxis. The proletarian consciousness was the real motive of history.

公共财政领域处在骚动中,理论和实践水平都存在争议。The public finance sphere is in ferment. There are contestations at the theoretical and praxis level.

其中本体论维度是始源性的,而这两个维度统一在实践的基础上。According to Marx, the ontological dimension is original and these two dimensions are based on praxis.

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但如果有什么的话,海顿4号不过是把她从奥普特拉和普拉西斯带到这来的悲苦混合在了一起。But if anything, Haydon IV had only compounded the misery she had carried here from Optera and Praxis.

哲学范畴的理性大厦,是人在实践中所创造的观念体系及其观念产品。Rational, philosophical categories are a byproduct of human praxis and effort to systematize concepts.

批判改造克罗齐哲学,是葛兰西实践哲学建构的一个重要理论基础。How critiquing and transforming Croce's philosophy, is an important basis of Gramsci's philosophy of praxis.