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这是冷菜。This is cold dish.

这碟菜会不会太辣了?Is the dish too spicy?

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菜太咸了。The dish is too salty.

这盘菜的滋味不错。This dish tastes good.

这盘鱼是坏的吗?。Was the fish dish bad?

你真是秀色可餐。You are really a dish.

您喜欢吃这个菜吗?Do you enjoy this dish?

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菜做得很入味。The dish is very tasty.

这盘菜太咸了。This dish is too salty.

每盘菜都得有大蒜才行。Every dish needs garlic.

这道菜有股怪味。This dish tasts strange.

鱼是我最喜欢的菜。Fish is my favorite dish.

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共享一份鱼肉怎么样?How about sharing a dish?

没有人人都合口味的菜。No dish suits all tastes.

这个菜有骨头吗?。Does this dish have bones?

这道菜是怎么做的?How is this dish prepared?

我最喜欢这道菜——剁椒鱼头!I love this dish the most!

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我把菜放这里好吗?Shall I put the dish here?

这道菜合他的口味。This dish is to his taste.

这个菜没有盐味。This dish is without salt.