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如果你从未听说过北大,没有汗水它。If you never heard of PKU , don't sweat it.

天渐渐暗了下来,我们搭公交转向北大。It was getting dark. We went to PKU by bus.

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这是北京大学理论生物学中心的网站。This is the website of PKU Center for Theoretical Biology.

当他们提及女生的时候,总是第一个想到PKU的女生。When they come to girl, they always firstly think of girl in PKU.

北京大学常务副校长迟惠生等领导会见了来宾并与之进行亲切交谈。Vice president of PKU Chi Huisheng and other leaders met the visitors.

北京大学党委副书记张彦、北京大学秘书长赵为民等领导出席了此次比赛。Zhang Yan, Zhao Weimin and other leaders of PKU presented at the match.

婴儿进行测试,以便在出生北京大学所以如果你有你已经知道这一点。Babies are tested for PKU at birth so if you have it you already know it.

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这个就不用我介绍了,曾经对我来说是遥不可及的梦想。一睹它的芳容还是让我感慨万千。PKU is a unreachable dream for me! Anyway I am still moved by its elegance.

北大幼儿园渭南明德园作为目前渭南市唯一将高尔夫课作为特色课程的幼儿园,任重道远!PKU kindergarten as the Weinan only golf lessons as a characteristis course, a long way to go!

此次活动同时也作为2005-2006年北大校园十佳歌手大赛的开幕式。This concert is also the opening ceremony of 2005-2006 PKU Campus Top Ten Singers Competition.

北大党委书记闵维方等领导亲自看望了他们并表示热烈欢迎。Vice-president of PKU professor Min Weifang and other leaders met them and welcome them to PKU.

北大称,该校在多数省份理科按计划最低录取线高居全国高校榜首。PKU says its threshold score for science in most of the provinces is the highest in the country.

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考生杨津收到的北大录取通知书里附送了一张名为”北大英雄”的游戏光盘。Yangtse Evening Post reported candidate Yang Jin received a PKU offer with a game CD called "PKU Hero".

这个疾病的确能极早被发现-美国所有婴儿在出生时就会做一种检测苯丙酮尿症的基因测试。And it can be picked up very early — there's a genetic test for PKU that all babies in the U.S. get at birth.

许多患轻度PKU和轻度HPA且有R241C基因位点的病人,都对BH4治疗有反应。The majority of patients with mild HPA and mild PKU who had the R241C allele responded to BH4 administration.

“在我们宿舍,所有我的室友都是城里人”,李晓,北大一名大三的学生这样说道。“I live in a dorm, and all of my roommates are from urban backgrounds,” says Li Xiao, a rising junior at PKU.

回顾武汉市新生儿先天性甲状腺功能减低症和苯丙酮尿症5年来筛查情况,总结经验、查找不足,以促进新生儿疾病筛查工作。To explore CH and PKU morbidity in Wuhan in 5 years, and find out a better way to guide future screening work.

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新学期的社团招新活动拉开了序幕,北京大学三角地又成了人的海洋。The triangle place of PKU became a sea of crowds again as the associations recruitment on campus withdrew its curtain.

4月14日,首届“华裔新生代企业家中国经济高级研修班”结业仪式在北大举行。On 14th, Apr. , The first "Overseas Chinese Entrepreneur China Economy High-class Seminar Commencement" was held at PKU.

为了展示燕园的美景,北大的绿化工人们每年都定期对校园内的花草树木进行修剪。Every year to show the beautiful scenery of our campus, the gardeners in PKU prune the lawn, flowers and trees periodically.