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分割车刀架。Parting tool holder.

我们有一个小的礼物。So we have a parting gift.

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忧虑我要离开我的朋友们。Of parting from my friends.

离别是甜蜜的凄楚。Parting is such sweet sorrow.

我想要分路分在左边。I want the parting on the left.

诀别是我们对天堂的全部所知Parting is all we know of heaven

那是一次最后的诀别。To me, parting is a painful thing.

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对了,想知道我对那位朋友的离别赠言吗?Oh, my parting advice to my friend?

我喜欢头路分高一点。I'd like my hair parting a little up.

您的头发想朝哪边分?On which side do you want to parting?

我想要把头路移到左边。I 'd like my parting move to the left.

我也用这个,我临别工具夹具。I also use this jig for my parting tool.

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他诱骗我把那枚宝石割爱。He beguiled me into parting with the gem.

直到他们最后分手时他才又说了几句话。He said no more until their final parting.

我想给你个临终前的建议。I'm going to give you some parting advice.

他尤其欣赏她的临别赠言。He particularly warmed to her parting shot.

离开西部地区是多么难舍的分别呀。Leaving the west is such an intense parting.

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当时光冲开我们紧握的双手时,叫做离别。When time can we hold hands, called parting.

要不要我把你的缝儿往右移一点?Shall I move your parting a bit to the right?

“别泪满金樽”是否译成状态好些?The golden cups are full of the parting tears.