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成千上万的精子试图是卵细胞受精。Numerous sperm trying to to fertilise a human egg.

这张图片近拍了大量精子尝试给一个卵子受精的场景。Here'sa close-up of a number of sperm trying to fertilise an egg.

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这张图片上显示的是大量精子正在争先恐后地给卵子受精。Here's a close-up of a number of sperm trying to fertilise an egg.

他们强调,他们不打算用人造精子使人类卵子受精。They stressed they had made no attempt to fertilise human eggs with the sperm.

学生们首先观看卵子如何受精的幻灯片展示。Students first viewed a PowerPoint presentation illustrating how sperm fertilise eggs.

一种是选择特定的精子进入卵子。The first involves choosing the type of sperm that is used to fertilise the woman's egg.

大连的海洋食品企业獐子岛渔业集团,重复利用剩鱼来肥沃庄稼。Zhangzidao Fishery Group, a Chinese aquaculture company, recycles uneaten fish feed to fertilise crops.

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二十世纪初,世界人口不断增长,但人们还没有认识到足够的氨可以让耕地更加肥沃。In the early 20th century, the world's growing population couldn't find enough ammonia to fertilise all its crops.

即使雄鸟让单身的雌鸟产下了受精卵,但如果没有两只成年鸟的照顾雏鸟将无法生存。Even if he did fertilise the egg of a non-paired female it would not survive as it takes two adults to raise a single chick.

用大坝阻断河流使得鱼类无法逆流而上去产卵,同时淤泥无法顺流而下去肥沃土地。Blocking a river with a dam also blocks the movement of fish upstream to spawn and the movement of silt downstream to fertilise fields.

这部纪录片戏剧化地讲述了精子使卵子受孕的伟大征程,同时还揭示了其他生殖秘密。The programme, a dramatisation of the epic journey sperm undertake in their quest to fertilise the egg, reveals other fertility secrets.

他的精子波能够使每一个正被他插入的女士受精吗,这样的话他就能在同一时刻让几个女人怀孕?Could the wave function of his spermatozoa fertilise every lady whose slit he is penetrating, so that he could fertilise multiple women simultaneously?

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它们能够产生足够的精子,不仅仅用来使雌性的卵细胞受精,而且形成障碍阻止任何其它的精子通过。They are able to produce enough sperm not only to fertilise the female's eggs, but to form a barrier that prevents any other sperm from getting through.

成千上万的精子试图是卵细胞受精。它们试图找到通过保护卵细胞的透明带的路。Numerous sperm trying to to fertilise a human egg. They are trying to find their way through the zona pellucida, the membrane that surrounds and protects the egg.

精子头部携带某种特殊的溶解酶,消融防护细胞棕色的外膜,唯有如此,受精方可成功。The brown membrane surrounding the egg cell is the zona pellucida. The head of the sperm carries special enzymes to dissolve this membrane, which it must do in order to fertilise the egg.

伟哥增加了精子活动力,但却损伤顶体,顶体是一种包含能溶解女性卵子外周膜的酶,让精子受精。It made sperm more active but also it damaged its acrosome, a cap-like structure that contains enzymes that break down the membrane surrounding a woman's egg and allows sperm to fertilise it.

医生告诉他们,与其再造输精管,还不如取出马克的精子,用人工受精的方式帮助曼迪怀孕。After speaking to their doctor, Mandy and Mark were told that rather than try to reverse the vasectomy, they could retrieve sperm from Mark and use it to fertilise one of Mandy’s eggs via IVF.