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另外我的丈夫是一个数学奇才。My hubby is a math wiz.

我就多了个相当伤脑筋的问题。I found im having a problem wiz myself.

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你真的诗歌数学天才!你应该当数学老师。You're a wiz at math! You should be a math teacher.

今天是万圣节,我打算去克拉码头。This times, I plan to go to Clarke Quay wiz my frds 2night.

Wiz的哈利法住在德国,英国和日本的一个孩子。Wiz Khalifa lived in Germany, England and Japan as a child.

教练决议让咱们在接下来与华盛顿奇才队的背靠背比赛中休息。Wiz on the back to back and Doc decided we were going to rest.

Wiz的哈利法的不寻常的名字并没有给他由他的父母。Wiz Khalifa's unusual name was not given to him by his parents.

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他的家人打电话给他,因为他的一切努力绿野仙踪他做得很好。His family called him Wiz because everything he tried he did well.

在“当我走了,”绿野仙踪哈利讲述生命的临时性质。In "When I'm Gone, " Wiz Khalifa tells about the temporary nature of life.

一个不用上一节课就可以操作最新电脑的能手,但却不会铺床。a wiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make a bed.

哦,他扶着他的背,奇才的播音员说是他的背,该死。Oh no, he was holding his back and the Wiz announcers are saying tis his back. Crap!

好奇记者看见高人的回应时,吓出一身冷汗,高人是真的感应到自己的脑部活动?The reporter broke in to a cold sweat. Did the Wiz genuinely sense his cerebral activities?

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酒保,我就会有一种啤酒,我的朋友,只是喜爱自己的嘴巴。并提出了一个头。Bartender, I'll have a beer, and for my friend, just wiz in his mouth. And put a head on it.

通常熊会直立起来都是为了观察四周,但这一只却是能像人一样行走的独特奇才。Usually bears stand on their feet just to look around, but that one is a proper wiz of walking like a man.

回想乔丹纪元或许会很困难,但是我也意识到我们的特区的球迷们是有很大的兴趣在里面的。It was interesting to read your conflicted take on the Jordan era. I always thought Jordan playing for the Wiz was almost all positive.

姚明已经5次封盖了,奇才不断的向他冲击,希望姚明姚小心了,不要去犯廉价的犯规。Yao with his 5th block of the game. The wiz just keep going at him over and over. He needs to be careful not to pick up any cheap fouls.

如今他成了一位研究魔药的巫师,不过他可得使出吃奶的劲儿才能控制住身体里激情四溢的荷尔蒙。These days he's a wiz in the study of potions, though he's having the devil of a job keeping a lid on his cauldron of sputtering hormones.

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奥普拉也采访了杰克逊的孩子们,13岁的王子,12岁的巴黎和8岁的毯毯,他们坚称他们独特的爸爸是一个好父亲而且是个做菜能手。Oprah also interviewed Jackson's children, Prince, 13, Paris, 12, and 8-year-old Blanket, who insisted their peculiar pop was a good dad and a wiz in the kitchen.

在拜胡世盛为师后,奇乐勤学苦练,触类旁通,在推测观众心理反应上,更有微妙变化的智慧。Having learning magic skills of Hu's , Happy Wiz studied hard and practiced more, which led him to master more skills. He has the delicate intelligence on calculating the audience reaction.