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留言者是位肿瘤科护士The writer is an oncology nurse practitioner.

作为实践者,我在日立工作时开始写博客。I started my blog as a practitioner at Hitachi.

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我会成为出色的公关人员的。You'll find I am an excellent P. R. practitioner.

和启示我的人不同,我是一名从业者。Unlike those who inspired me, I am a practitioner.

经医生推荐的物理治疗。Physiotherapy on referral by a Medical Practitioner.

如果症状持续请咨询健康传家或医生。If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

甘厄特一向是这种艺术的一个虔诚的实践者。Gannett has always been a devoted practitioner of the art.

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我明白你的意思.我姥姥必须亲自看中医才行.I get it.My grandma must see a TCM practitioner personally.

作为从业者,我会发现我需要解决的问题。As a practitioner I discovered problem that I need to solve.

于是一介布衣,潜心在山林中独居修行。Then he gave up everything to remain a recluse practitioner.

那时候很年轻,实在没有遇到善知识。I was too young at that time and had not met a true practitioner.

向所有项目执行者传播其他的执行者变更Propagating other practitioner changes to all project practitioners

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双方都利用行政、中层管理和从业人员。Both draw upon executive, middle management, and practitioner staff.

在偶然的情况下,有位教练介绍了梁挻教授给我认识。By chance, a fellow practitioner introduced me to Professor Leung Ting.

请洽询有绝食经验的医生或顾问。Consult a doctor or health practitioner who has experience with fasting.

“朋友,请让我和我的病人单独呆一会儿,”那医生说道。"Prithee, friend, leave me alone with my patient," said the practitioner.

民间草医,年青时拜许多名师,行医70多年。He is a Chinese medical practitioner with 70 years of working experiences.

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范蠡是我国儒商文化的开拓者和实践家。Fan Li was the pioneer and practitioner of the culture of scholar merchant.

如果你还没有准备好,和医生讨论一下关于会阴侧切的问题。If you haven’t already, discuss the episiotomy issue with your practitioner.

克莱尔是一个英国再生社会专业人员和当前的BRS主席。Clare is a British Rebirth Society Practitioner and the current BRS Chairman.