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这是非凡的经验。It's a supernormal experience.

移就属于一种超常规搭配的修辞方法。Transferred epithet belongs to a rhetorical device of supernormal collocation.

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但经过几年超常规的高速发展,我国房地产自身的确形成了一定的泡沫。But after several years of rapid development of supernormal my own indeed formed a real estate bubble.

由专业知识和经验丰富的从业人员组成,完成很多超常规的运输业务。By the professional knowledge and rich experience of employees, many supernormal transportation business.

在特定语境下,各种搭配形式容易呈现出种种超常的搭配关系。Under special context different matching forms easily appear kinds of supernormal matching relationships.

开放式基金作为超级机构投资者入市运作表明我国证券市场进入机构投资者超常规发展新时期。Open end fund has been put on the market, which shows a supernormal development stage of institutional investors.

中国新时期文学,在文学语言上一度出现了大量语法上超常规的语言运用现象。In the new age Chinese literature there was once a period when linguistic phenomenon of using supernormal grammar prevailed.

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我们觉知到,奇迹与喜乐是较高意识的自然实现,而非某种超自然的事物。We become aware that miracles and joy are the natural manifestation of higher consciousness rather than something supernormal.

这些技能可以影响到圣堂武士的物理性,赋予骑士超凡的力量、速度、防御或者战斗能力。These often affect the physical abilities of the templar endowing a knight with supernormal strength speed defenses or fighting agility.

这些技能可以影响到圣堂武士的物理性,赋予骑士超凡的力量、速度、防御或者战斗能力。These often affect the physical abilities of the templar, endowing a knight with supernormal strength, speed, defenses or fighting agility.

但在正确率上,则随着任务难度的增加,常态组被试的正确率降低,而超常组被试的正确率基本稳定在一个较高的水平上,即任务难度间的差异不显著。At the same time, the accuracy ratio of the normal group children declined but that of the supernormal children kept stable in a rather high lever.

高脂血症是由于脂肪代谢或运转异常使血浆中一种或多种脂质异常增高的病症。Abnormal working or metabolism process of fat leads to supernormal increase of one or multi kinds of lipids in plasma, which is called hyperlipemia.

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针对西部地区特点,采取超常规发展战略是中国保险业深化发展的关键。Aimed at the characteristics in western regions, we should adopt supernormal development strategy, which is the key to the development of insurance.

伟大的科学家往往具有超人的活力,因此,即令到了晚年,他们还保有新颖的观点和朝气蓬勃的事业心。The great scientists are often men of supernormal vitality which enables them to retain a freshness of outlook and enterprise even into their old age.

继天才儿童班的成功经验,越来越多的大学都针对具有非凡才智的少年敞开了大门。Following the successful practice of the prodigy class, more and more universities have opened their doors to youngsters with supernormal intelligence.

因此,以喂食乳浆蛋白方式摄取半胱氨酸在导致高谷胱甘肽水平的效能要比直接服用半胱氨酸来的大。Hence the efficiency of dietary cysteine in inducing supernormal glutathione levels is greater when it is delivered in the whey protein than as free cysteine.

要实现阜新的超常规跨跃式发展,必须积极地调整产业结构,选择并培育支柱产业群。To realize the economic supernormal and striding development, the industrial structure must be adjusted, and a mainstay industry cluster must be chosen and fostered.

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近十年来,我国研究生教育在数量上呈超常规发展之势,规模迅猛扩张,因而带来了一系列与培养质量有关的问题。In the last ten years it took on a trend of supernormal development and expanded sharply in quantity, which brought a-bout a series of problems concerning training qualities.

企业文化是企业核心竞争力的基础,企业文化的巨大力量可以使企业获得超常的跨越。The enterprise' culture is the foundation of enterprise's core competitive power, the great power of enterprise's culture can make the enterprise get supernormal crossover development.

超越性是司马迁笔下人物悲剧的共性,司马迁主要是通过对超拔的行动、超凡的才智、超常的功绩及超然的赴死等的艺术烘托来表现的。Superiority is the common feature of figure tragedies which is revealed by Sima Qian with his unusual activity, remarkable wisdom, supernormal performance and transcendent sacrifice, etc.