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老妹说“嘿”Sis says "hey""

你知道我在讲什麽吗,亲爱的小妹?You know what I'm sayin, baby sis?

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嗯,老姐,你的时尚嗅觉的确厉害。Yeah, you do have a nose for fashion, sis.

老姐,明天能跟我一起去逛街吗?Hi, sis. Could you go shopping with me tomorrow?

大姐姐提供帮助工作组报复,和工作组同意。Big Sis offers to help WG get revenge, and WG agrees.

我打赌菲佣肯定很高兴他们忠于摆脱了我们的保护。Bet the Phillipine sis glad they got rid of our protection.

感谢神,我们的蔡姐妹已从手术后康复。Thank God that our Sis. Chuah had recovery from her surgery.

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带囊导管扩张术治疗儿童良性食管狭窄。Balloon catheter dilation of benign esophageal steno sis in children.

听到谊姐冠秀说她已经可以感觉到她宝宝在踢动了。I heard from God sis that she can now feel her baby moving and kicking.

巴赫金的文学“地形学”理论是对这一缺憾的有益弥补。The topography of literature of Bakhtin sis an improvement in this field.

我叫我的姐姐问他和彗星的房子离得有多远。I told my sis to ask Oppa about how far between his house and Hyesungie's.

即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。She always made me smile, even after Sis and I had just had a big squabble.

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她可以作出反应之前,工作组都扔进浴吹风机,造成大姐姐。Before she can react, WG throws the hair dryer into the bath, killing Big Sis.

SiS从中选取25000行代码并尝试用多种工具进行移植。SiS selected 25,000 lines of code and tried to migrate them with various tools.

他们领着小厮们在澜波馆前面空地上打雪仗。They get small Sis at Lan wave building front vacant land up fight snow battle.

本文描述了一种单极子微带天线耦合的SIS结混频器。A monopole microstrip antenna coupled SIS Junction mixer is described in this paper.

对于椎管狭窄,我在学校所学到的都是必须通过手术治疗。Canal steno sis is only treatable with surgical intervention, as I was taught in school.

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他笑了。“你是艾拉的妹妹吧?比你姐姐还可爱呀。”他眨眨眼。He smiled. "You must be Ella's younger sis. You look even cuter than your sis. " He winked.

进一步的气球扩张术亦成功地治疗了病人的输尿管狭窄。Subsequent endoureterotomy with balloon dilatation effectively treated steno sis of the ureter.

本文讨论了一类含有两个年龄阶段和时滞的SIS传染病模型。This paper considers an SIS epidemic model that incorporates two stage-structure and Time delay.