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无法相信我能见到本杰明。哈伯特。I can't believe I'm about to meet Benjamin Hobart.

单程租金之间也允许斯顿和霍巴特。One-way rentals are also permitted between Launceston and Hobart.

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市长达蒙‧托马斯说这个节日对皞峇灯来说是一个很大的鼓舞。The Lord Mayor Damon Thomas says the event is a great boost for Hobart.

在战役中,HMAS珀斯号被击沉,霍巴特号受到损伤后开向锡兰。During the battle HMAS Perth was sunk and Hobart was damaged before proceeding to Ceylon.

数以千计的人在皞峇灯的市中心商业区排队,观看游行。他们并没有失望。Thousands lined the streets of the Hobart CBD to watch the parade and they were not disappointed.

这里正处于高耸的威灵顿山脚下,一个新的霍巴特镇开始在这里成长。There, at the very foot of the lofty Mount Wellington, Hobart Town began to grow in its new situation.

在我们发言时,一列火车是从长滩港和进入霍巴特和将联合国钩它的汽车。As we speak, a train is coming from the Port of Long Beach and coming into Hobart and will un-hook it's cars.

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创建于1945年的悉尼至霍巴特帆船赛是世界著名远洋帆船赛事,每年在澳大利亚举行一次。Founded in 1945 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race is a world famous offshore yacht race, held annually in Australia.

一个整个街区长的观赏性的龙昨天在皞峇灯的街道舞动,令旁观者很高兴。ONE-BLOCK-LONG ornamental dragon danced through the streets of Hobart yesterday, delighting hundreds of onlookers.

在皇家侯巴特医院治疗后,两位中国留学生到警署报案。After being treated at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Mr Chen and Mr Fang went to the police station to report the incident.

而霍巴特航班提携了奥莫卡负责人兼学会的发言人格伦·伍德和另一人表示支持。The Hobart flights carried Omeka's principal, Glenn Inwood, who is an institute spokesman, and another man, the sources said.

当然,三年来在皞峇灯市政局,会令你认识到在道途上可能会遇到一些,让我大胆地说,〝障碍〞吧。Of course three years in Hobart City Council you do realise that there are some dare I say obstacles that might appear on the way.

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有俗称「塔斯马尼亚魔鬼」的袋獾和杰柏格啤酒,该州首府荷巴特活力十足,是放松的好地方。It's really cool, there's the Tasmanian devil, Boag's beer, and the capital Hobart is really up and coming as a place to chill out.

三个月以后,1940年1月,HMAS霍巴特协助了护送第一护航队运载澳大利亚军队去了中东。Three months later, in January 1940, HMAS Hobart assisted in escorting the first convoy carrying the Australian Army to the Middle East.

目前洛杉矶河,霍巴特多式联运终端,商业场,雷东多天桥,雷东多商店,第八街与四街场。There is the Los Angeles River, Hobart Intermodal Terminal, Commerce Yard, Redondo Flyover, Redondo Shops, 8th Street and 4th Street Yard.

皞峇灯城市感谢所有与会者来到这里,并决定与我们分享您们的知识及您们很多不同的信仰派系。Thank you all from the city of Hobart for coming, and decided to share with us your learning and to share your many different branches of faith.

从今天开始,乘客飞机进入霍巴特和朗塞斯顿机场飞行会负责监督空中交通管制员,每天24小时,一年365天。From today, passenger aircraft flying into Hobart and Launceston airports will be supervised by air traffic controllers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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第五十四届雪梨-荷巴特游艇竞赛,发生了运动史上有史以来最严重的悲剧之一。One of the most rigorous sailing competitions in the world, the 54th Sydney to Hobart yacht race turned into one of the worst sporting disasters in history.

今年的会议标题佛教超越界限,将会在明天以一个在下午一时半开始,经过皞峇灯中心街道的龙的游行结束。This year's conference, titled Buddhism Beyond Boundaries, will concluded tomorrow with a dragon parade that will pass through Hobart 's central streets from 1.30pm.

所以,通过这次在皞峇灯举行的非常顺利的大会等的活动,团结、小区关系、忍耐及持久的友谊都受到鼓励及发展。And so, through events such as this very auspicious conference held here in Hobart , unity, community connectedness, tolerance, and lasting friendships are encouraged and developed.